Flowers Starting with B

    Flowers Start with B

    BioExplorer team has put together a list of flowers that start with B to make things easier for you the next time you head out into your backyard to plant your first flower garden.

    Flowers Starting with B

    Here is a collection of all types of flower names starting with B.

    Baby's Breath (Gypsophilia)

    Baby’s Breath

    Baby's Breath, also known as Gypsophilia, is a bushy, branching plant with small, delicate flowers on long, thin stems. It's native to Eastern and Central Europe. It belongs to the genus gypsophila and contains around 35 plants.
    Blue Bachelor's Button Flower

    Bachelor’s Button

    Bachelor's button is quite large, reaching up to 35 inches, and can sometimes be seen adorning grassy alleys and medians. These flowers are usually blue, but you'll also see colors like pink, lavender, white, and even black.
    Blue Balloon Flower

    Balloon Flower

    Flower Type: Perennials
    Commonly known as the blue balloon flower, Japanese snowdrop, Chinese snowdrop, Chinese bellflower, and Korean snowdrop, the Balloon Flower is a flowering perennial in the Campanulaceae family, including lobelia and wood hyacinth, and is the only member of the genus Platycodon.
    Indian Balsam Flower


    Flower Type: Annuals
    Balsam flowers were introduced to western Asia in the early 20th century. Balsam flowers continued to be popular during World War II. Even though impatiens are and remain popular, many horticulturists, both professionals, and amateurs are bringing these flowers back.
    Actaea spicata baneberry


    Baneberry flowers are ideal for cool, shady places; the thread-like Baneberry flowers bring a vacation-inspired look to your backyard. Two (2) species of Baneberry are common in North America: Actaea rubra (Red Baneberry) and Actaea pachypoda (White Baneberry).
    banksia flower


    Flower Type: Trees
    Banksia is a genus of about 100 species in the Proteaceae plant family and is native to Australia and South Africa. These popular garden plants and Australian wildflowers are easily recognized by their characteristic fruity "cones" and buds as well as flower spikes.
    Barberry Flower


    If you find a dicotyledonous plant with holly-like evergreen leaves and flower parts in multiples of three, it is possibly one of the Barberry family. Worldwide, there are approximately 570 species and 15 genera in the Barberry family.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Among the numerous Basil varieties, sweet basil or Ocimum basilicum is the most frequently grown. Whether purple, sweet, citrus-lemon, or spicy Thai Basil, Basil leaves contain essential oils responsible for their unique taste nuances.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Basket-of-Gold is nicknamed because of its beautiful yellow flowers. It is an evergreen perennial from the Brassicaceae family, native to Europe and Asia. This flowering plant is synonymous with the Alyssum saxatile plant and is among the most resilient flowering plants.

    Beach Rose

    Flower Type: Shrubs
    The beach rose is a deciduous Japanese shrub with a multi-stem. It is native to Japan and is widely used as an ornamental plant. The beautiful beach rose is pollinated by insects and birds. Rosa rugosa is a strong symbol of Love and adoration.

    Bee Balm

    Flower Type: Shrubs
    Bee Balm is the ideal plant for pollinators. It is sometimes grown in medicinal and edible gardens for its ability to attract butterflies and bees. Native to North and South America, the Bee Balm played a vital role in indigenous ceremonies before the arrival of European settlers. Now it's a pretty cosmopolitan plant.


    Begonia is a beautiful flowering plant that is steeped in exciting and rich history. They are fabulous to any backyard and will gladly grow in hanging baskets, flower beds, pots, and more. The Begonia plant belongs to a genus with about 1,300 species.

    Bells of Ireland

    Despite their namesake, these majestic bell-shaped greens are native to the Turkey, Syria, and Caucasus regions. They have a scent that many people cannot really describe. The thing about the Bells of Ireland is that they can get so tall.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Bergenia is a flowering plant belonging to a genus of around 10 species. This plant belongs to the family of Saxifragaceae. The flowers can range from dark purple to bright pink. The plants are 12 to 24 inches tall and are grouped into an inflorescence.

    Big Flax

    When people think of Big Flax, they generally do not think of it as a flower; they see it more as a seed. However, the Big Flaxseed has to emanate from something. Big Flax belongs to the Linaceae family, and there are around 200 species in the genus Linum.

    Bighead Knapweed

    Flower Type: Perennials
    Bighead Knapweed flower features a beautiful, showy yellow thread-like bloom, but make no mistake - the Bighead Knapweed is very invasive. It also features a large taproot that becomes more resilient with age. The leaves are lanceolate and 10 to 30 inches long with slightly pointed ends.

    Billy Button

    Flower Type: Perennials
    Billy buttons, a perennial herb native to New Zealand and Australia, have many names, including drumsticks, woolly heads, Billy balls, and Craspedia, all of which refer to the plant's original appearance. The genus belongs to the Asteraceae family and includes around 23 species.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is a perennial herbaceous climber from Eurasia. This plant is found in most regions where it was accidentally introduced as a contaminant in horticultural and agricultural seeds.

    Bird of Paradise

    The Bird of Paradise is also known as a crane flower because it looks like a graceful bird with a long neck. There are about 5 different species of this plant. Its brightly colored flowers and long stem look like a bird with a tuft of brightly colored flowers and a pointed beak on its head.


    Flower Type: Shrubs
    The Bittersweet plant is a staff vine and belongs to the genus Celastrus, which belongs to 30 species of shrubs and vines. These flowers are cultivated in America, Africa, Australia, and the eastern region of Asia.

    Black Bryony

    Black Bryony is a climbing plant that reaches around 2 to 4 meters in height. The flowers have a bell-shaped perimeter and are small, greenish-yellow in color, and regular. Bryony is a species in the yam family Dioscoreaceae.

    Black-eyed Susan

    Black-eyed Susan flowers (Rudbeckia hirta) originate from North America and are the most well-known wildflowers cultivated today. Black-eyed Susan flowers are available in orange-yellow, gold, red, and bronze and bloom from June through October. There are more than 40 different species of black-eyed Susans.

    Bleeding Heart

    Flower Type: Perennials
    As a classic cottage garden staple, the bleeding-heart plant (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) has been a favorite in many perennial gardens for a long. The Lamprocapnos genus includes around 8 flowering plants. The slanted, swollen, cordate rose-pink blooms with protruding white central petals start to bloom in spring before the emergence of the leaves.

    Blood Root

    Flower Type: Perennials
    Blood Root (Sanguinaria canadensis), a member of the Papaveraceae (poppy) family, is more tender and beautiful than its general name suggests. The leaf unfolds when flowering. Each pedicel produces single white flower 2-inches wide, 8 to 10 petals, 1.5-inches in diameter, with numerous yellow stamens in the center.

    Blood-Red Iris

    Flower Type: Perennials
    Iris sanguinea is a rhizomatous angiosperm that can grow to a height of 0.5 to 1 meter and a spread of 0.1-0.5 meters. The Iris flower signifies wisdom, hope, trust, and courage. The Iris flower is considered the flower for the 25th wedding anniversary.
    Types of Bluebells

    Bluebell Flower

    Explore the enchanting Bluebell flower (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), its vibrant violet-blue blooms, ecological significance, different types of bluebells and fun facts in this comprehensive guide.


    Flower Type: Shrubs/Trees
    The star-shaped flowers of Boronia plants have long enchanted bushwalkers in different parts of Australia, from the east coast to the west coast. The Boronia genus includes around 160 species of flowering plants in the Rutaceae (citrus) family. Flowers are available in yellow, pink, and brown.


    Flower Type: Shrubs
    Bouvardia is a genus of plants in the Rubiaceae family. It includes around 50 species of evergreen shrubs and herbs that are native to Central America and Mexico. The color ranges of the flowers vary depending on the species, and can be red, pink, yellow, or white.


    Flower Type: Shrubs
    Brittlebush is a common desert shrub under the family Asteraceae. The plant can grow up to 1-5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Research showed that the Encelia farinosa intrinsic water-use efficiency manifested strong responses to climate change.


    Broomrape, commonly called Orobanche, is a genus of more than 200 species of herbaceous plants native to the temperate northern hemisphere. These plants are best known by their straw-yellow stems, which are completely free of chlorophyll and have blue, white, or yellow dragon-like flowers.


    Flower Type: Annuals/Perennials
    Browallia earns its common names sapphire flower and amethyst flower for its bright, star-shaped blue flowers that stand out like jewels against the bright green leaves of the plant. The oval, pale green leaves are up to 3-inches long. It produces bright blue, purple, or white flowers and thrives in shaded or partially shaded locations.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Bryonia dioica, commonly known as White Bryony and Black Bryony, also ladies' seal or English mandrake, is a perennial climber from Southern and Central Europe. White Bryony (Bryonia dioica) is a climber in the Cucurbitaceae (cucumber) family that develops multiple stems and forms greenish flowers in summer.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliate), commonly known as marsh trefoil or bogbean, is an emergent rhizomatous perennial that generally grows in shallow water at the edge of lakes/ponds in swamps. The 5-petaled star-shaped hairy whitish flowers bloom in terminal clusters on stems up to 12 inches tall in May and June.
    White Buddleia Flowers


    Flower Type: Shrubs
    Commonly referred to as a butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii is a deciduous shrub native to forest clearings, limestone outcrops, mountain slopes, and Rocky River banks in America, Africa, and Asia. Buddleia (orth. Var. Buddleja) is a genus with over 140 flowering plant species in the Scrophulariaceae (figwort) family. Many named varieties have been introduced over the years, expanding the flower range colors to include pink, yellow, white, and red.


    Flower Type: Perennials
    Ajuga reptans, commonly known as Bugleweed, are perennial, broad-leaved, evergreen to semi-evergreen herbaceous groundcover of the mint family (Lamiaceae). The genus includes around 40 species of plants. Spikes of small bluish-purple flowers appear in mid to late spring, protruding up to 10-inches above the foliage.


    The magnificent bugloss (Echium vulgare) is indeed an insect magnet with its imposing size of about 40 inches (one meter). Its blue blossoms attract countless butterflies, beetles, bumblebees, and bees. Also known as Blueweed, Bugloss is a species of plant in the Boraginaceae (borage) family.


    Flower Type: Trees
    The Bulbophyllum genus consists of mainly lithophytic and epiphytic orchids in the Orchidaceae family. Bulbophyllum orchids are found in various habitats in most of the world's warmer regions, including Latin America, South Asia, Africa, the West Indies, and several islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The flowers are scented with small green, brown, or yellow petals.


    Flower Type: Annuals/Perennials
    A well-known flowering plant native to southern Europe and central Asia, Bupleurum is a short-lived perennial or annual herbaceous plant closely related to dill, fennel, and other umbel-forming plants. Its branching stems can reach 45 to 91 cm and have small yellow florets contained in greenish-yellow bracts.


    Flower Type: Biennials
    Burdock (Arctium minus) is the common name for one of the thistles that make up the Arctium genus in the Asteraceae plant family. It is characterized by spherical, usually pink or purple, buds surrounded by thorny bracts and rounded, burr-shaped fruits with many seeds.

    Butterfly Orchid

    Butterfly orchid is a common name for numerous species of orchid, including the genera Platanthera and Psychopsis. Some are grown as ornamental plants because of their attractive flowers. Well-known species are the small white-flowered orchid (Platanthera bifolia) and the large butterfly orchid (Platanthera chlorantha) with larger greenish-white blooms.

    Japanese Bigleaf Hydrangea

    Flower Type: Shrubs
    Bigleaf Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub native to Japan that can grow to 7 ft tall. The flowers of the lacecup Hydrangea are attractive large mophead, making it a popular landscape Japanese plant.

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    APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Flowers Starting with B. Bio Explorer. "Flowers Starting with B" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Flowers Starting with B" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.


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