Apple Blossom

For many nature lovers, apple blossoms (Malus coronaria) are the highlight of the year. This wild beauty with a captivating scent is found in Arkansas and Michigan.

Apple Blossom

Being the official state flower of two states namely Arkansas and Michigan, these beautiful flowers provide a pleasant scent in spring.

Apple Blossom

Nearly 1, 000 varieties[1] of flowering apple trees are likely to be grown in the United States, all of which are derived from Pyrus coronaria (the wild crab).

Malus Coronaria

The apple blossom is a well-known tree that grows 20 to 40 feet tall, with spreading, crooked, rigid branches. The tree is native to Europe, and the apple tree flowers from April through June.

Pink Apple Blossom Flowers

Apple blossoms have white and cherry-pink petals. The apple tree flowers are large; they grow with the leaves and are borne in sub-bellied umbels.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Apple Blossom. Bio Explorer. "Apple Blossom" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Apple Blossom" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“APRIL : Apple Blossom : Malus domestica – Santa Fe Botanical Garden”. Accessed December 03, 2021. Link.


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