The Internet’s most comprehensive legal-medical Portal – Electronic Publications
Further globalization of information, communications and service technology stand as the cornerstones behind the new ideas, products, services and technologies which will be offered to consumers in the 21st century . Accordingly, the web is the ideal messenger to bring this new knowledge to our doorsteps. In keeping on track with these future global trends, Globalmedlaw provides consumers with unlimited access to the web’s most comprehensive global legal nexus and medical terra.
Tonsillitis and Tonsillectomy Information
A parent’s guide to tonsils, tonsillitis, and tonsillectomies, with information on tonsillitis treatment options including tonsillectomy procedures utilizing the Harmonic Scalpel.
TopazCat Collaborative Links Directory
A reciprocal links directory for individuals and businesses to add their site to the TopazCat directory, in exchange for placement of the TopazCat link on their site
Transplant Week – Online news about organ transplants
Transplant Week – Online news about organ transplants, transplantation and transplant donations. Updated daily, with information on developments in transplant research, answers to patient questions, resources and links.
University of London External Degrees in Health
MSc and postgraduate diploma by distance learning in International primary health care, health systems management, epidemiology, infectious diseases and policy and intervention on drugs and alcohol.
Labmall buys and sells used lab and bio-process equipment.
Water purification the natural way
OxyLife is a formula that harbors a very high concentration of non toxic stabilized electrolytes of oxygen Oxylife many properties is that it destroys bacteria.
Offer pure chemicals for life and lab research use.
Factory direct laser and inkjet labels including laboratory labels. Offers label software.
yfleung’s functional genomics home
A resources for functional genomics, microarray, bioinformatics, proteomics and complex disease trait mapping.