Order Malvales / Hibiscus & Mallow Flowers

    Order Malvales

    Malvales[1] is a medium-sized order, commonly called the Hibiscus or mallow order, mainly consisting of woody plants that feature showy five-petaled flowers with an epicalyx.

    Explore all Hibiscus Varieties here.

    The members of this order are distributed across various habitats worldwide. In addition, several members hold economic importance as a source of natural fibers, food crops, and ornamentals.

    The order comprises 10 families, 338 genera, and around 6,000 species.

    Malvales Pronunciation

    Malvales Distribution

    Malvales Distribution

    • Malvaceae – Most species are distributed in tropical parts of the world. Still, a few plants grow in temperate regions as well.
    • Cistaceae, also called the rock rose family, grow in temperate or warm temperate areas, particularly in the Mediterranean region.
    • Muntingiaceae is a small family distributed in the Neotropics.
    • Neuradaceae is a small family of annual herbs or rarely perennial. The species of this family grow in desert areas from Africa to India.
    • Thymelaeaceae consists of trees, perennial herbs, or lianas that occur worldwide except rarely in icy areas. Thymelaeceae are particularly common in tropical Australia and Africa.
    • Sphaerosepalaceae is a small family of deciduous trees that grow in Madagascar.
    • Sarcolaenaceae is mainly comprised of evergreen trees only known to grow in Madagascar.
    • Dipterocarpaceae flowers are usually evergreen trees that prefer humid lowland tropics but are most concentrated in West Malaysia.
    • Cytinaceae is a small family that grows across Mexico to Costa Rico, northern Colombia, the Mediterranean, South Africa, and Madagascar.
    • Bixaceae are native to tropical America. One species is widely cultivated in tropical places, including China.

    Order Malvales Characteristics

    Malvales Characteristics

    Malvales are usually recognized by the following characteristics:

    Cistaceae are aromatic shrubs that tend to have the following characteristics:

    • Opposite leaves are joined mainly by their broad bases.
    • The inner three sepals are much larger than the two outer sepals.
    • When the free petals are in a bud, they are crumpled.
    • There are numerous stamens.
    • The seed coat is mostly gelatinous.
    • The endospermis starchy.
    • The embryo is almost strongly curved.

    Neuradaceae consist of small herbaceous or sub-woody plants that are native to warm areas of the Sahara-Indian desert. They tend to display the following characteristics:

    • Small, toothed leaves that do not have stipules.
    • White flowers with petals that dry a distinctive shade of purplish color.
    • The petals are spreading.
    • There are ten stamens and mostly 10 individual and erect styles.
    • The fruits are spiny.

    Thymelaeaceae have the following distinctive characteristics:

    • A highly fibrous bark.
    • Usually, entire and opposite leaves do not have stipules.
    • The leaves usually have relatively close, parallel venation.
    • When the leaves fall off, they leave behind prominent raised scars on the stem.
    • The leaf’s indumentum has unicellular hairs and is mostly silky-adpressed.
    • In several taxa, there are notably flexible twigs.
    • The plants, some of which are very poisonous, usually have an unpleasant smell.
    • The flowers are usually arranged in heads.
    • A long hypanthium in most species.
    • The petals and sepals are either equal in size, or the petals are smaller.

    Sphaerosepalaceae are a small family that displays an excellent level of diversity.

    Some common characteristics of this family include:

    • Broad, intrapetiolar stipules that almost encircle the stem.
    • The flowers are primarily 4-merous, and the sepals appear in decussating pairs.
    • Single seeded carpels.

    Cistaceae consist of aromatic shrubs that grow in broad, sunny areas, usually on a chalky or sandy substrate. They often exhibit the following characteristics:

    • Opposite leaves that have broad, even connate bases.
    • The inner three sepals are contorted at times, such that the aestivation is extremely quincuncial with two outer sepals that are much smaller than the others.
    • Free petals that are crumpled when in the bud and contorted in a direction opposite the three large sepals.
    • Numerous stamens are usually sensitive to touch.

    Dipterocarpaceae are trees that can be recognized by the following characteristics:

    • Usually, two-ranked, coriaceous leaves with strong, parallel secondary veins and scalariform tertiaries are pretty close.
    • Often fasciculate or stellate hairs on the leaves.
    • The petioles are geniculate.
    • Usually, the inflorescences are notably monochasial.
    • The small flowers are pointed in the bud and have a notably contorted corolla.
    • Commonly the fruits are distinctive and usually have unequal, large sepals surrounding the single-seeded nuts. However, there are other fruit types too.

    Cytinaceae are achlorophyllous parasites (that lack chlorophyll). They tend to have the following features:

    • Inflorescences are racemose and sometimes capitate such that the individual flowers have a moderate size and can be easily noticed.
    • Basally connate perianth that is more or less spreading and exists in a single whorl.
    • Extrorse stamens (staminate flowers).
    • The style is quite long and extends towards the apex (carpelate flowers).

    Muntingiaceae can be recognized by the following characteristics:

    • Toothed, two-ranked, leaf blades with asymmetric bases and heteromorphic prophylls similar to stipules.
    • Their flowers appear in extra-axillary fascicles.
    • Valvate calyx.
    • Shortly clawed corolla that is crumpled in the bud.
    • Numerous stamens.

    Malvaceae are easily recognizable even when they are sterile based on the following features:

    • A fibrous bark.
    • Stipulate, alternate leaves with toothed margins, ± palmate venation, and indumentum stellate to lepidote.
    • Mucilage is also a common trait.
    • The flowers and fruits have a combination of characters that make them distinguishable:
      • The flowers usually have a valvate, connate calyx with a nectary at the base inside.
      • A contorted corolla.
      • Usually, numerous stamens that are connate and/or fasciculate.
      • The fruit’s inner wall and/or the seed’s surface are usually hairy.

    Sarcolaenaceae tend to have the following characteristics:

    • The flowers of these plants are distinctive in having a massive “involucre“, sometimes an enclosing bract and an extrastaminal disc.
    • Sarcolaena‘s lamina has parallel lines on the underside.
    • Stellate hairs.

    The Bixaceae has plants that are distinctive in having the following set of characteristics:

    • Fibrous bark.
    • Canals carrying red or orange exudate.
    • Branches that end at the inflorescence.
    • Flowers are large and have anthers that spread pollen through terminal pores.
    • Leaves with palmate venation, scale-like hairs, and stipules enclose the bud.
    • The ovules are produced on the ovary’s walls.
    • Spiny capsule.
    • The seeds have a pulpy coat.

    Example Species

    Malvales Example Species

    • Gossypium: Several species hold immense economic importance as it is a Cotton source produced commercially for the textiles industry.
    • Edgeworthia, Daphne, and Gnidia: The bark of the plants is used to manufacture the highest quality paper and cordage.
    • Hibiscus rosa-sinensis commonly called Chinese Hibiscus, is grown as an ornamental for its large, almost bell-shaped blossoms. The cultivated varieties yield red, white, yellow, or orange flowers.
    • Abelmoschus esculentus commonly called Okra- is used as a vegetable and a thickener in food preparation.
    • Theobroma cacao: Also called cacao, is cultivated commercially. The plant’s seeds, called cocoa beans, are processed to produce cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and chocolate.

    Suggested Reading: All White Flowers

    Cite This Page

    BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 02). Order Malvales / Hibiscus & Mallow Flowers. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/order-malvales/.
    BioExplorer.net. "Order Malvales / Hibiscus & Mallow Flowers" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/order-malvales/.
    BioExplorer.net. "Order Malvales / Hibiscus & Mallow Flowers" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/order-malvales/.
    Key References
    • [1]“Malvales”. Accessed December 20, 2021. Link.


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