
Order Buxales / Boxwood Flowers

    Order Buxales

    Order Buxales is the eudicot flowering plant consisting of evergreen shrubs or trees. It is usually found in the tropics and subtropics. Members of Buxales are usually monoeciousWhat is monoecious?Pertaining to plants, individuals of which bear both staminate and pistillate flowers, but not necessarily perfect flowers. with simple, non-sheathing, and estipulate leaves.

    The Buxales flowers are actinomorphicWhat is actinomorphic?A characteristic of the flower exhibiting radial symmetry such as starfish or Daisy flower; capable of being bisected into identical halves along more than one axis, forming mirror images. Opposite is Zygomorphic., hypogynous, possess an inconspicuous perianth. The female flower’s style is stigmatic for its full length. The Allegheny spurge and the Christmas box are example plants belonging to order Buxales.