Advances in Physiology Education
Advances in Physiology Education is dedicated to the improvement of teaching and learning physiology and to the advancement of physiology as a teaching profession. It publishes peer-reviewed descriptions of new strategies for teaching, reports of education research, critical reviews of current educational practice, essays on physiology education, and articles that organize the content of physiology for problem-centered learning.
AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology publishes original investigations that illuminate normal or abnormal regulation and integration of physiological mechanisms at all levels of biological organization, ranging from molecules to humans, including clinical investigations.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
American Journal of Industrial Medicine considers for publication reports of original research, review articles, instructive case reports, and analyses of policy in the fields of occupationia and environmental health and safety. Specific topics of interest include: occupational disease; environmental disease; pesticides; cancer; occupational epidemiology; environmental epidemiology; disease surveillance systems; ergonomics; dust diseases; lead poisoning; neurotoxicology; endocrine disruptors.
American Journal of Nephrology
The editorial scope ranges from studies on the biochemistry and immunology of kidney diseases to new knowledge on such established clinical problems as dialysis, transplantation, and hypertension. The journal presents information in a highly readable way with ample illustrations in order to encourage its immediate integration into practice.
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
The AJRCMB publishes papers that report significant and original observations in the area of pulmonary biology. The focus of the Journal includes, but is not confined to, cellular, biochemical, molecular, developmental, genetic, and immunologic studies of lung cells and molecules.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
New evidence constantly demonstrates the importance of nutrition on various disease processes. While considerable progress has already been made towards the prevention of disorders like hypertension and coronary heart disease, the search for reliable dietary guidelines continues. The editors of this journal show their dedication to this search by carefully selecting basic and clinical reports offering new information relating to human nutrition and metabolic diseases.
Biogerontology has now developed a solid scientific base with respect to the understanding of the phenomenon of aging. A spectrum of new and innovative strategies and approaches are increasingly applied to modulate the process of aging at the level of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. Biogerontology represents this step in research which aims primarily at achieving healthy old age accompanied by improved longevity.
Endocrine-Related Cancer offers a global forum for basic, clinical and experimental investigations which concern endocrine-related cancer in human and animal subjects. The journal publishes reviews, both submitted and commissioned and also, from time to time, the proceedings of international meetings. Original research papers will now only be published if they are of exceptional quality.
Experimental Physiology publishes articles in all areas of physiology with particular emphasis on whole animal and systems physiology. Papers on those facets of cellular and molecular biology especially relevant to the understanding of integrative mechanisms are also welcomed. Also, relevant methodological papers may be accepted. Theoretical papers will be considered if based on experimentally derived data and the hypothesis advanced is directly amenable to experimental testing.
Thorough coverage of the complex processes which underlie the hemostatic mechanism is given in this journal. Original papers report the latest findings on the pathology, physiology and biochemistry of hemorrhagic disease and thrombosis. In addition to in-depth studies of such topics as blood coagulation factors and fibrinolysis, readers will find extensive data on heparin and oral anticoagulation.
The purpose of this journal is to promote the integration of theories, methods, and research in human physiology. The journal publishes original studies on brain function and its disturbances, including neural mechanisms subserving perception, learning, memory, emotion, and language. Human Physiology provides a forum for many physiological areas, such as respiration, circulation, the blood system, motor functions, and digestion, as well as sport and occupational physiology.
The Journal of Applied Physiology publishes original papers that deal with diverse areas of research in applied physiology, especially those emphasizing adaptive and integrative mechanisms. Adaptive physiology includes 1) inherent adaptations such as those related to development, aging, and pathophysiological conditions; and 2) adaptations to the external environment such as those occurring with exercise, microgravity, hypoxia, hypo- and hyperbaria, and hypo- and hyperthermic conditions.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A
The Journal of Comparative Physiology A welcomes original articles and short reviews in the following fields. Contributions should add to our understanding of mechanisms and not be purely descriptive. The level of organization addressed may be organismic, cellular or molecular
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
The journal publishes papers in the following fields: comparative aspects of metabolism and enzymology, metabolic regulation, respiration and gas ransport, physiology of body fluids circulation, temperature relations, endocrine regulation, muscular physiology.
Journal of Endocrinology provides a wide coverage of research in all aspects of endocrinology. It is in the top ranks of global endocrine journals and publishes high quality, leading-edge research from all over the world. The readership of the journal is worldwide, with 40% of readers in North America. Most issues contain a review article or commentary on a topical subject.
Journal of Experimental Animal Science
The aim of Journal of Experimental Animal Science is to promote further development in the biomedical sciences dependent on the use of animal experiments. Original articles deal with husbandry, anatomy, physiology, pathology, genetics, and immunobiology of experimental animals, as well as ethical aspects of animal experimentation, including alternative methods. Additionally, the journal contains short communications and information on relevant congresses and seminars.
Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of Experimental Biology is a leading journal in comparative animal physiology. It plays a major role in increasing cross-fertilisation of techniques and knowledge across specialisation boundaries, offering an approach to integrative biology at all levels, from the molecular and sub-cellular to the whole animal.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology focuses specifically on endocrinology research at the cellular and molecular level, thus complementing Journal of Endocrinology. Articles on methodology and clinical/human molecular endocrinology are especially welcome. It has a global following and a reputation for high-quality research papers. It also has a fast track system for publishing papers of exceptional interest and quality.
News in Physiological Sciences
Articles in NIPS are brief reviews intended to keep a broad spectrum of international physiologists abreast of advances in, and the current status of, important and timely subjects dealing with biological function at all levels of organization. While the articles must be scientifically accurate and current, they must also be designed to educate the “nonspecialist”: simple, clear and relatively free of “specialist’s jargon” or abbreviations.
Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
The Journal publishes the results of original research considered likely to further the physiological sciences in their broadest sense. Papers on pathophysiological or methodological topics will also be considered in so far as the information they contain can be used as a tool for further investigation of physiological mechanisms. In other words, their subject matter must convey a physiological message.
Scientific Journal of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences on aspects of chemical communication.
Physiological Genomics represents a bold new venture to publish the results of a wide variety of studies from human and from informative model systems with techniques linking genes and pathways to physiology, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. The Journal encourages the submission of research that links genes to cell replication, development, metabolic function, cell signal transduction and intracellular signaling pathways, tissue, and organ function, and whole organism function.
The American Journal of Hematology
This journal provides broad coverage of both human and animal hematologic topics. The journal publishes original contributions from investigators and clinicians in hematology and related areas such as immunology, blood banking, and cell biology. The journal includes original laboratory and clinical studies, concise reviews, brief reports, images in hematology, clinical studies in hemostasis and thrombosis, letters and correspondence, and occasional in-depth reviews of selected topics.
The American Journal of Human Biology
The American Journal of Human Biology is a peer-reviewed, internationally circulated journal that publishes reports of original research, theoretical articles, and timely reviews, and brief communications in the interdisciplinary field of human biology. The Journal serves as a forum for scientists and health professionals who share common interests in understanding individual and population variation in health and disease.
The American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology
Cell Physiology is dedicated to innovative approaches to the study of cell and molecular physiology. Contributions that use cellular and molecular approaches to shed light on mechanisms of physiological control at higher levels of organization also appear regularly. Manuscripts dealing with the structure and function of cell membranes, contractile systems, cellular organelles, and membrane channels, transporters, and pumps are encouraged.
The American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism
Endocrinology and Metabolism publishes results of original studies about endocrine and metabolic systems on any level of organization. Molecular, subcellular, and cellular studies in whole animals or humans will be considered.
The American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
The journal publishes original articles pertaining to all aspects of research involving normal or abnormal function of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, and pancreas. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts dealing with growth and development, digestion, secretion, absorption, metabolism, and motility relative to these organs, as well as research reports dealing with immune and inflammatory processes.
The American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Heart and Circulatory Physiology publishes original investigations on the physiology of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, including experimental and theoretical studies of cardiovascular function at all levels of organization ranging from the intact animal to the cellular, subcellular, and molecular levels. It embraces new descriptions of these functions and of their control systems, as well as their bases in biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, and cell biology.
The American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology publishes original research covering the broad scope of molecular, cellular, and integrative aspects of normal and abnormal function of cells and components of the respiratory system. Areas of interest include the nose and sinuses, conducting airways, pulmonary circulation, lung endothelial and epithelial cells, the pleura, neuroendocrine and immunologic cells in the lung, cells of the diaphragm and thoracic muscles.
The American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology
Renal Physiology publishes original manuscripts on a broad range of subjects relating to the kidney, urinary tract, and their respective cells and vasculature, as well as to the control of body fluid volume and composition. Studies may involve human or animal models, individual cell types, and isolated membrane systems.
The Journal of Neurophysiology
This journal publishes original articles on the function of the nervous system. All levels of function are included, from the membrane and cell to systems and behavior. Experimental approaches include molecular neurobiology, cell culture and slice preparations, membrane physiology, developmental neurobiology, functional neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, systems electrophysiology, imaging, and mapping techniques, and behavioral analysis.
This journal publishes original Research Papers in all areas of physiology illustrating new physiological principles or mechanisms. Papers on work at the molecular level, at the level of the cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs, and systems physiology are all considered, with an emphasis on human and mammalian physiology. Rapid Reports receive an accelerated review and publication, reflecting the expectation that these papers should be of particularly high interest and importance.