

    BioControl is the official journal of the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC). It includes original papers on basic and applied research in all aspects of biological control of invertebrate, vertebrate and weed pests, and plant diseases. Subject areas covered in BioControl comprise biology and ecology of organisms for biological control, and various facets of their use including any biological means of control for integrated pest management (IPM).


    Biodegradation publishes papers on all aspects of science pertaining to the detoxification, recycling, amelioration or treatment of waste materials and pollutants by naturally-occurring microbial strains or associations or recombinant organisms.

    Biodiversity and Conservation

    Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal devoted to the publication of articles on all aspects of biological diversity, its description, analysis and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. The Journal also provides a forum for examining the conflicts between sustainable development and human dependence on biodiversity, especially in such fields as agriculture, environmental management and biotechnology.


    Biogeochemistry publishes original papers and occasional reviews dealing with biotic controls on the chemistry of the environment, or with the geochemical control of the structure and function of ecosystems. Cycles are considered, either of individual elements or of specific classes of natural or anthropogenic compounds in ecosystems. Particular emphasis is laid on the interactions of element cycles.

    Biological Control

    Biological Control: Theory and Application in Pest Management is an environmentally sound and effective means of reducing or mitigating pests and pest effects through the use of natural enemies. The aim of Biological Control is to promote this science and technology through publication of original research articles and reviews of research and theory.

    Biological Invasions

    Biological Invasions publishes research papers on the patterns and processes of biological invasions (both human-mediated introductions and natural range expansions) in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine (including brackish) ecosystems.

    Climate Research

    Basic and applied research devoted to all aspects of climate – present, past and future; effects of human societies and organisms on climate; effects of climate on our ecosphere. In particular, CR invites high-quality research articles, reviews and notes.

    EcoLife – public ecological Internet-project

    On this web site you will find: the technical, statistical and experimental data on ecology, natural resources and protection of an environment as well as books, journals and articles on ecology, ecological legislation of Russia, Ukraine and Europe, international agreements, database on ecological organizations and funds, selection of the references etc (in Russian only).


    The study and management of ecosystems represent the most dynamic field of contemporary ecology. Ecosystem research bridges fundamental ecology and environmental ecology and environmental problem-solving, and spans boundaries of scale, discipline and perspective. Springer-Verlag is pleased to announce a major new peer reviewed journal, Ecosystems.

    Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis

    Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis publishes original research articles on environmental mutagenesis. It will publish manuscripts in the six general areas of mechanisms of mutagenesis; genomics; DNA damage; replication, recombination, and repair; public health; and DNA technology. Subsumed under these six general areas are subject matters that are appropriate for inclusion in EMM.