
    Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

    The Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society is the Society’s main vehicle for publication of original research papers in the plant sciences.The Botanical Journal offers a wide range of plant scientists a forum for the publication of the latest research in a number of important areas and enjoys a correspondingly good readership. This wide interest is reflected in the journal’s editorial board and in the membership of the Linnean Society.

    Botanical Review

    The function of The Botanical Review is to present syntheses of the state of knowledge and understanding of individual segments of botany. It is to be hoped that these syntheses can be read and understood by other botanists less well informed than the authors.

    Canadian Journal of Botany

    Published since 1929, this monthly journal ranks high amongst the world’s most respected botanical publications. It publishes comprehensive research by internationally recognized botanists in all segments of plant science.

    Doklady Botanical Sciences

    Doklady Botanical Sciences is a journal containing English translations of current Russian research in the botany, phytopathology, plant anatomy, plant ecology, plant embryology, plant morphology, and plant physiology sections of the Doklady Akademii Nauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Doklady Botanical Sciences publishes the most significant new research in botanical sciences being done in Russia today, ensuring its scientific priority.

    Edinburgh Journal of Botany

    Edinburgh Journal of Botany is an international journal of plant systematics and related aspects of biodiversity and conservation science.

    Experimental Agriculture

    Experimental Agriculture publishes the results of analytical research into the agronomy of crops, particularly the food, forage and industrial crops of the warmer regions of the earth. It is especially concerned with experimental work conducted in the field and designed to explain agronomic results in biological and environmental terms.


    Flora, the oldest scientific botanical journal in the world, having appeared continuously since 1818, focusses its special attention on all aspects of modern botanical research into structure, evolution, and ecosystems. This includes morphological analysis contributing to the understanding of plant distribution and radiation of taxa, as well as new developments in ecophysiology, vegetation ecology, population biology, flowering, and dispersal biology.

    Folia Geobotanica

    Folia Geobotanica is a journal devoted to geobotany/plant ecology and plant systematics. Its primary focus is on plant species in a structured environment. The journal publishes both observational and experimental papers; papers are required to adopt the comparative approach. Even long papers are considered, provided they contain monographical treatment difficult to publish elsewhere. It also regularly publishes reviews of books in botany and plant ecology.

    Journal of Vegetation Science

    The journal covers all current aspects of vegetation science, including phytosociology, vegetation theory, classification and ordination, pattern and process, structure and function, population ecology, ecophysiology, succession, palaeoecology, plant geography and lanscape ecology. The journal also accepts thorough ecological descriptions of vegetation types and plant populations.

    Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

    Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics is a new international journal which provides a platform for reviews and monographs in the fields of ecology, evolution and systematics of plants. The new journal has been launched by the Rübel Foundation, a private trust associated with the Geobotanical Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.