Work described on the inherited bases of human disease and the consequences for individuals, families and society, covering molecular, cellular, mathematical and clinical genetics.
Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
The activities of the IMBB are directed towards basic and applied research in attentively chosen fields of modern Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Areas of research include the elucidation of basic biological mechanisms and functions, ultimately related to human health, genome research, biological control of biological pests, enzyme structure and the development of high technology tools and products.
Institute of Plant Physiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Plant Physiology is a leading research centrum of plant physiology and biochemistry in Bulgaria. The main directions of scientific research in the Institute are plant growth and development, physiological and biochemical bases and mechanisms of regulation of photosynthesis, plant mineral nutrition andplant water relation, regulation of plant metabolism and gene expression, and physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology of algae.
Institute of Protein Research, RAS
Studies of the molecular mechanisms of protein biosynthesis; investigations of protein structure and their biological functions
International Institute of Biophysics
Presentation of the International Institute of Biophysics (IIB), the biggest association working on biophotons, founded for an interdisciplinary approach of the understanding and the investigation of living systems. 14 Organizaions (governmental research Institutes and Universities) are connected all over the world.
Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology
The main investigations of the Institute are focused on basic mechanisms and regularities of development (differentiation, growth, ageing) of biological systems at molecular, genetic, cellular, organ and organism levels; at elaborating methods and biotechnologies for rational usage and replenishment of biological esources; at developing new approaches to urgent problems of agriculture, medicine, veterinary, fishery, biotechnology, nature protection.
Laboratory of growth regulators
Research in the field of plant hormones.
microbiology and cell biology department of indian institute of science
Mother Teresa Institute of Health Sciences
In memory of a global icon of compassion and service The Mother Teresa Institute of Health Sciences (MTIHS) is dedicated to the loving memory of Mother Teresa who devoted her entire life to the service of the poor and needy.
The National Institutes of Health is one of the world’s foremost medical research centers. An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the Federalfocal point for health research. NIH is the steward of biomedical andbehavioral research for the Nation. Its mission is science in pursuit offundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems andthe application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce theburdens of illness and disability.