How To Become An Allergist?

How to become allergist?

An allergist is one of the types of doctors who is specializing in the treatment of allergies. An Allergist identifies and treats Asthma, inherited immunodeficiency diseases, other autoimmune diseases, allergies from animals (such as cats, dogs, horses & more), foods (such as chocolate, peanuts & more) or medications, and related diseases.

How To Become Allergist?

Here are the required educational qualifications to become an allergist in the United States.

  • A person that wants to become an allergy specialist needs to complete the same education that is required for all medical professions: 4 years of undergraduate study (a Bachelor’s degree) and 4 years of medical school.
  • Usually, medical schools require completed courses in physics, biology, and English (one year), as well as 2-year courses in organic chemistry.
  • Before being licensed in allergy, the applicant has to complete a 3-year residency in pediatrics, internal medicine, or combined medicine and pediatrics. .
  • Then a person needs to get two certifications: a certification in internal medicine and/or pediatrics and then to complete the fellowship training at the ACGME accredited allergy/immunology training program.
  • The last step is to receive certification from the American Board of Allergy & immunology (ABAI).
  • To receive such certification, one needs to pass the ABAI certification exam.
  • There are also additional requirements:
    • The specialist has to get 25 continuing medical education credits every year.
    • The practicing allergist needs to pass a cognitive expertise examination every 10 years.
    • An allergist also needs to complete a recent advance and practice assessment module every 5 years.

Average Salary Range For Allergist

In 2019, the average salary for an allergist (or an immunologist) in the United States is estimated to be $107,000$249,000.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). How To Become An Allergist?. Bio Explorer. "How To Become An Allergist?" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "How To Become An Allergist?" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.

Key References

  • “Qualifications to Be an Allergist |”. Accessed November 13, 2019. Link.
  • “A Rewarding Career in Allergy / Immunology | AAAAI”. Accessed November 13, 2019. Link.
  • “ERAS 2020 Participating Specialties & Programs”. Accessed November 13, 2019. Link.
  • “Salary and Career Info for an Allergy and Immunology Physician”. Accessed November 13, 2019. Link.


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