History of Ecology

    History of Ecology
    Alexander Von Humboldt

    Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms.  Here is a brief history of ecology in chronological order (timeline).  These include important events and contributions made by many ecologists from the dawn of time to the subject of ecology.

    Origin of Ecology

    Ernst HaeckelIn 1869, Earnst Haeckel coined the term “ecology”. It comes from the Greek word Oikos meaning “household” and logos meaning “study of”, therefore the “study of nature’s household”. Relating this definition to science, ecology becomes the study of the management of the natural environment, which includes the relations of organisms with one another and their surroundings.

    Ecology as a scientific discipline is said to be multidisciplinary. It often encompasses several fields like biology, geography, and Earth science.

    However, ecology is not always focused on the environment but on man. Practical applications in ecology include conservation biology, restoration ecology, resource management, and wetland management.

    History of Ecology As A Science

    Ecology History - A Timeline
    Ecology News in 2017

    Top 10 Ecology News in 2017

    Ecology is the biological study of interactions among organisms and their ecosystems/environments. Here are the top 11 ecology news, ecology-related research, studies, and technology advancements in 2017.
    Ecology News in 2018

    15 Leading Ecology News of 2018

    It is a truth universally acknowledged by scientists: climate change is real as well as global pollution of air, water, and soil. In order for us to survive, we need to know as much as possible about the dangers of today.
    Discoveries in Ecology 2019

    Top 10 Discoveries in Ecology 2019

    Due to climate change and destructive human activity, news in the ecology area in 2019 is quite contrary. Here are the top 10 discoveries in ecology 2019.
    Ecology News 2020

    Top 10 Ecology News of 2020

    BioExplorer team presents the newest 2020 discoveries that showcase what is becoming of the ecosystems on our planet. Find top 10 ecology news of 2020.

    Top 15 Ecology News of 2021

    This series of 2021 ecology news gives us a detailed overview of the recent development in this field. Commencing with climate change, global warming, alternative ways for renewable energy resources, the role played by scavengers in our society, and other global aspects of management and nature-dependent climate solutions.

    Top 15 Ecology News of 2022

    In 2022 paves the way towards discoveries in ecological consequences influenced by genetic factors, climate change in marine habitat, coral reefs and plants having great adaptability to climate change, and the necessity towards conservation of biodiversity.


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    • Kormondy, Edward J. “A Brief Introduction to the History of Ecology.” BioOne, 1996: 1-4.
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    • Odum, E. Fundamentals Of Ecology. India: Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2005.
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    • Permaculture. History of ecology. 2016. http://www.environment.gen.tr/history-of-ecology/594-history-of-ecology.html (accessed July 23, 2016).
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    • Smith, D. Uniformitarianism: Charles Lyell. 2016. http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/history_12 (accessed July 22, 2016).
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    BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 02). History of Ecology. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/history_of_biology/ecology/.

    BioExplorer.net. "History of Ecology" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/history_of_biology/ecology/.

    BioExplorer.net. "History of Ecology" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/history_of_biology/ecology/.


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