Northern White-Cheeked Gibbon
Species Name: Nomascus leucogenys
The northern white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys), also called the white-cheeked gibbon, is an endangered species of gibbon endemic to Southeast Asia. Like other members of its genus, both males and females have unusually long arms, even for gibbons, with arms 1.2 to 1.4 times the length of their legs.
Silvery Gibbon
Species Name: Hylobates moloch
The silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch), also called the Javan gibbon, is a primate in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae. Silvery gibbons are tree dwellers and feel just as comfortable in the upper canopy as in the undergrowth.
L’hoest Monkey
Species Name: Allochrocebus lhoesti
The L'Hoest monkey (Allocrocebus lhoesti), or mountain monkey, is a vervet monkey found in the upper eastern Congo Basin. L'Hoest monkeys live in relatively small groups, are dominated by females, and have only one male.
Kloss’s Gibbon
Species Name: Hylobates klossii
Kloss's gibbon (Hylobates klossii), also called the dwarf siamang, Mentawai gibbon, or Bilou, is an endangered primate in the gibbon family Hylobatidae. Kloss's gibbons are territorial, with semi-adult males and adolescents working with their fathers to protect the group's territory.
Hainan Black-Crested Gibbon
Species Name: Nomascus hainanus
The Hainan black-crested gibbon (Nomascus hainanus), also known as Hainan gibbon, is an endangered species of gibbon only found on China's Hainan Island. Hainan black-crested gibbons are found in social groups of females, infants, juveniles, and sometimes males.
Skywalker Hoolock Gibbon
Species Name: Hoolock tianxing
Skywalker's hoolock gibbon, also known as the Gaoligong hoolock gibbon, is a primate of the Hylobatidae family. The Skywalker hoolock gibbon is one of 3 species of hoolock gibbons and was first described in the American Journal of Primatology in January 2017.
Eastern Hoolock Gibbon
Species Name: Hoolock leuconedys
The eastern hoolock gibbon is a primate of the Hylobatidae family. Eastern hoolock gibbons don't have a tail like all other apes but have a patch of hair in the anogenital region.
Eastern Gorilla
Species Name: Gorilla beringei
The eastern gorilla is an endangered species of the Gorilla genus and the largest living primate, with an average length of 150 cm for females and 185 cm for males. Eastern gorillas live in stable and cohesive family groups led by a dominant silverback male.
Eastern Black-Crested Gibbon
Species Name: Nomascus nasutus
The eastern black-crested gibbon, also called the Cao-vit crested gibbon or Cao-vit black-crested gibbon, is a gibbon native to northern Vietnam and southeast China. Eastern black-crested gibbons are found in social groups consisting of females, juveniles, infants, and sometimes males.
Eastern Gray Gibbon
Species Name: Hylobates funereus
The eastern gray gibbon also known as the northern gray gibbon is a primate in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae. Eastern gray gibbons have light brown fur that fades to black on the face, chest, and inner arms, with a white border around the face.
Common Chimpanzee
Species Name: Pan troglodytes
The chimpanzee, also known simply as the chimp, is a species of great ape native to the forests and savannas of tropical Africa. Chimpanzees and humans are thought to have a common ancestor that lived about eight million years ago.
Southern Yellow-Cheeked Gibbon
Species Name: Nomascus gabriellae
The southern yellow-cheeked gibbon, also known as a golden-cheeked gibbon, buffed-cheeked gibbon, red-cheeked gibbon, southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon, or golden-cheeked crested gibbon, is a species of gibbon endemic to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Bornean Gibbon
Species Name: Hylobates muelleri
Also known as the Müller's or gray gibbon, the Bornean gibbon is native to the Bornean Island, which is divided between the nations of Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Bornean White-Bearded Gibbon
Species Name: Hylobates albibarbis
The Bornean white-bearded gibbon also called the southern gibbon, or Bornean agile gibbon, is a species of gibbon native to southern Borneo. Bornean white-bearded gibbons are diurnal and arboreal species. During the day, they roam the forest for food and participate in social activities.
Bornean Orangutan
Species Name: Pongo pygmaeus
The Bornean orangutan is native to the Borneo Island. Along with Pongo abelii (the Sumatran orangutan) and Pongo tapanuliensis (the Tapanuli orangutan), it belongs to the only genus of great apes endemic to Asia.
Species Name: Pan paniscus
The bonobo (Pan paniscus) is a great ape in danger of extinction. It is one of two species that make up the Pan genus, the other being Pan troglodytes - the common chimpanzee. Bonobos are both arboreal and terrestrial. Most floor movements are characterized by knuckle quadrupedal walking.
Northern Pig-tailed Macaque
Species Name: Macaca leonina
The northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina) is a macaque species in the Cercopithecidae family. Typical of this group of Old World monkeys, northern pig-tailed monkeys are gregarious, living in social groups of 9-81 individuals.
Northern Muriqui
Species Name: Brachyteles hypoxanthus
The northern muriquí (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) is an endangered species of woolly spider monkey or muriquí endemic to Brazil. When searching for fruit and leaves in tall trees, these monkeys use their tails for support.
North Sumatran Leaf Monkey
Species Name: Presbytis thomasi
The North Sumatran leaf monkey (Presbytis thomasi), also called Thomas's langur, is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The North Sumatran leaf monkeys spend most of the day in groups resting, moving, or feeding.
Southern Muriqui
Species Name: Brachyteles arachnoides
The southern muriqui or woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) are scattered across southeastern Brazil, from Bahia north to Sao Palo south. The southern muriqui is one of the largest primates in South America, with males weighing around 15 kg and females around 12 kg.
Moor Macaque
Species Name: Macaca maura
The moor macaque (Macaca maura) is a brown/black haired macaque with a pale rump and bare pink rump skin. Moor macaques appear to be a relatively tolerant macaque species, showing low levels of aggression between group members.
Mona Monkey
Species Name: Cercopithecus mona
The Mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) is an Old World monkey living between Cameroon and Ghana in West Africa. Mona monkeys live in large groups of 5 to 50 individuals.
Tibetan Macaque
Species Name: Macaca thibetana
The Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana), also called the Chinese stump-tailed macaque is a macaque native to eastern Tibet, eastern Guangdong, and northern Shaanxi in China. Tibetan macaques are the largest of the macaques and have a strong, muscular build with dense fur that ranges in color from gray to brown.
Maroon Langur
Species Name: Presbytis rubicunda
Endemic to the jungles of Borneo in Indonesia and Malaysia, red leaf monkeys get their name from their shaggy reddish-maroon fur. They are also known as maroon-leaf monkeys and maroon langurs.
Lowe’s Mona Monkey
Species Name: Cercopithecus lowei
Lowe's Mona monkey (Cercopithecus lowei) is an Old-World monkey in the Cercopithecidae family found from Ghana to the Ivory Coast. Lowe's Mona monkeys generally consist of one male and several females.
Lion-Tailed Macaque
Species Name: Macaca silenus
The lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus), also known as the wanderoo, is an Old World monkey native to the Western Ghats of South India. Lion-tailed macaques are diurnal and arboreal.
Lesser Spotted-Nosed Monkey
Species Name: Cercopithecus petaurista
The lesser spotted-nosed monkey, lesser spotted monkey, or lesser white-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus petaurista) is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The lesser spotted-nosed monkey is diurnal, arboreal, and cryptic.
King Colobus
Species Name: Colobus polykomos
The king colobus (Colobus polykomos), also called the western black and white colobus is a species of Old World monkey found in lowland and montane rainforests.
Humboldt’s Woolly Monkey
Species Name: Lagothrix lagothricha
Humboldt's woolly monkey, common woolly monkey, or brown woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha) is a woolly monkey endemic to South America. Humboldt's woolly monkeys can show subtle mood swings and intentions with various facial expressions.
Nilgiri Langur
Species Name: Semnopithecus johnii
The Nilgiri langur (Semnopithecus johnii), also called the black-leaf monkey, John's langur, and Indian hooded leaf monkey is a langur (a species of Old-World monkey) found in the Nilgiri foothills of the Western Ghats in southern India.
Guinea Baboon
Species Name: Papio papio
The Guinea baboon (Papio papio) is a baboon of the Old World monkey family. When walking, these baboons support their weight on the bottom of their toes in front and on the entire sole of their feet.
Golden-Headed Lion Tamarin
Species Name: Leontopithecus chrysomelas
The golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas), also known as the golden-headed tamarin, is a lion tamarin native to Brazil. It is only found in fragments of lowland and premontane forests in the state of Bahia and is therefore considered an endangered species.
Golden-Bellied Mangabey
Species Name: Cercocebus chrysogaster
The golden-bellied mangabey (Cercocebus chrysogaster) is a gregarious Old-World monkey found in humid, swampy forests south of the Congo River. Golden-bellied mangabeys are a migratory and social species, moving in groups of 8 to 30 members.
Golden-Bellied Capuchin
Species Name: Sapajus xanthosternos
The golden-bellied capuchin (Sapajus xanthosternos), also called the buff-headed or yellow-breasted capuchin is a New World monkey species. They spend much time grooming one another for socialization, with the alpha species receiving the most attention.
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
Species Name: Rhinopithecus roxellana
The golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is an Old World monkey of the subfamily Colobinae. Golden snub-nosed monkeys are highly social animals that exhibit group behaviors known as fission and fusion.
Golden Lion Tamarin
Species Name: Leontopithecus rosalia
The golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia), also called the golden tamarin, is a small New World primate in the Callitrichidae family. The golden lion tamarin derives its name from its vivid reddish-orange coat and extra-long hair around its face and ears, giving it a distinctive mane.
Goeldi’s Marmoset
Species Name: Callimico goeldii
Goeldi marmoset or Goeldi monkey is a small South American New-World monkey living in the upper Amazon basin region of Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. Goeldi marmosets generally stay less than 5 meters from the forest floor, moving to higher elevations for fruit.
Geoffroy’s Tamarin
Species Name: Saguinus geoffroyi
Geoffroy's tamarin, also called the Panamanian tamarin, red-crested tamarin, or rufous-naped marmoset tamarin, is a tamarin, a small monkey found in Colombia and Panama. In what may seem like a role reversal in many monkey species, Geoffroy's tamarins are led by the oldest female in a group.
Gee’s Golden Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus geei
Gee's golden langur, also known simply as the golden langur, is an Old-World primate found in a small area of western Assam, India, and in the nearby foothills of the Black Mountains of Bhutan. Gee's golden langur was officially discovered in 1953 by Edward Pritchard Gee, an amateur naturalist and tea planter in Assam, India.
Gabon Talapoin
Species Name: Miopithecus ogouensis
The Gabon talapoin, also called the northern talapoin, is a small species of African primate endemic to riverine habitats in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, the far western Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the western Republic of the Congo.
François’ Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus francoisi
The François langur, also called the white side-burned black langur, François leaf monkey, or Tonkin leaf monkey is a species of Lutung and the type species of its species group. The François langur is among the least studied langur species.
East Javan Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus auratus
The East Javan langur, also called the Javan lutung, Javan langur, or ebony langur is an Old-World primate in the subfamily Colobinae. As with all langurs, the East Javan langur is a social animal, living in groups of about 7 individuals, with 1 or 2 adult males in the group.
Dusky Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus obscurus
Dusky langurs also known as spectacled langurs, spectacled leaf monkeys, and dusky leaf monkeys, are primarily found in the Malay Peninsula in Asia. White rings surrounding the deep, dark eyes give the species its alternative name, the spectacled monkey or spectacled langur, for a "bespectacled" look.
Species Name: Mandrillus leucophaeus
The Drill is a primate in the Cercopithecidae family (Old-World monkeys), related to baboons and even more closely to mandrills. Like mandrills, drills are highly social animals that live in groups of around 20 individuals with multiple males and females, with one male dominating reproductive decisions.
Red-Shanked Douc Langur
Species Name: Pygathrix nemaeus
The red-shanked douc langur is an Old-World monkey species that is one of the most colorful primates. Red-shanked douc langurs are genetically similar to gray-shanked douc langurs; however, they are considered a different species due to their different biological characteristics.
Diana Monkey
Species Name: Cercopithecus diana
The Diana monkey is an Old-World primate found in the high-canopy forests of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the western Ivory Coast. Diana monkeys get their name from the white crescent-shaped headband that resembles the crescent moon on the forehead of the Roman goddess Diana, protector of woodlands and wildlife.
Robust Capuchin Monkey
Species Name: Sapajus robustus
Robust capuchin monkeys, also called crested capuchin monkeys, are capuchin monkeys of the Sapajus genus. Some crested capuchin species are known to use stone tools in the wild. These are used to crack nuts and other seeds, dried fruits, and even oysters.
Crested Mona Monkey
Species Name: Cercopithecus pogonias
The crested mona monkey, also called the golden-bellied monkey, golden-bellied guenon, or crowned guenon, is a species of African primate in the Cercopithecidae family in west-central Africa. Like many species of Cercopithecus, the crested mona monkey has large cheek pouches that it fills with seeds and fruit while foraging for food.
Crab-Eating Macaque
Species Name: Macaca fascicularis
The crab-eating macaque also called the long-tailed macaque and known in laboratories as the cynomolgus monkey, is a primate monkey endemic to Southeast Asia. Crab-eating macaque macaques live in multi-male groups comprising around 30 members.
Cotton-Top Tamarin
Species Name: Saguinus oedipus
The cotton-top tamarin is another small New-World primate found at the edge of tropical and secondary forests in northwestern Colombia. The common names "cotton-headed tamarin" and "cotton-top tamarin" are derived from the white hairs that spread across the head and flow down the neck.