IARC Screening Group Homepage – cervical cancer prevention in developping countries: projects, protocols, online publications:Colposcopy and Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, A Beginners’ Manual; A Practical Manual of Visual Screening for Cervical Neoplasia; Histopathology and Cytopathology of the uterine cervix (digital atlas); Planning and Implementing Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programs.
Russian source for physicians and patients containing professional and popular information about immune disorders, immunotherapy, drugs. Website includes maillist, forum, on-line consultations for patients with immune and allergic problems, database of immunomodulators, Russian hospitals specialized in immune disorders.
JC Biology home study centre
Study from home and enrol online. We offer a variety of courses within the field of biology available in a distance learning format.
KidneyDirections features information about kidney disease, along with ideas to help maintain health, a comprehensive presentation of treatment choices, and links to further reading.
Learn Biology Online
Learn Biology Online is ideal for people in secondary school, for revision or information while at home, or even someone who just appreciates learning. From genetics, viruses, ecosystems, replication and lots more, feel free to take a look or contact me in regards to anything relevant to Biology.
Find distance education courses, certificates, and degrees that match your needs and interests.
A comprehensive malaria resource for the travel medicine health care professional. Up-to-the-minute conference information, disease management, prescribing information as well as patient information and a host of valuable links including WHO, CDC and NIH
A new educational malaria web site with excellent images. Includes Diagnosis, History, Prophylaxis and Treatment; there is also an innovative “Test & Teach” self assessment module. An ideal site for Clinicians, Laboratory Staff and Students.For educational/medical institutions or clinics without (or with only limited) internet access, this material is available in a CD-ROM format which is available FREE on request.This educational malaria programme is in ENGLISH, FRENCH and SPANISH.
Marine Life of the NE Atlantic Ocean (eForum)
eForum for NE Atlantic marine wildlife issues.
Publisher of “Blood” and “Dailey’s Notes on Blood”. Both provide detailed information about every aspect of the production, structure, circulation, function, testing, and use of blood and its many components. “Blood” is an advanced text and “Daileys Notes” a practical guide. These texts serve the needs of students, researchers, and clinicians in allied health sciences and are essential reading for perfusionists, nurses, and others who care for patients with hematologic disorders.