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All the Virology on the WWW seeks to be the best single site for Virology information on the Internet. We have collected all the virology related Web sites that might be of interest to our fellow virologists, and others interested in learning more about viruses.
Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis of Animal Viruses
The site is designed for medical technologists, physicians and researchers to discuss topics related to clinical laboratory diagnosis of animal viruses. It is best placed at the virology directory.
Research Institute for Plant Protection, IPO-DLO. Wageningen, Netherlands. Research areas: identification, characterization and classification of viruses in different plants & crops, Virus detection methods (including ELISA, PCR, NASBA). They are mainly interested in luteoviruses and poty viruses. The following research groups are established: Virus-vector & virus-host relations, viruses of vegetables, viruses of ornamentals and virus detection.
Division of Virology at the University of Glasgow.
EMBL Virus Structure Resource.
The Index Virum is a collection of index files which link to lists containing all virus family, genus and species names found in: The Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses. “Sixth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses” (1995. Eds.: F.A. Murphy, C.M. Fauquet, M.A. Mayo, A.W. Jarvis, S.A. Ghabrial, M.D. Summers, G.P. Martelli, D.H.L. Bishop. Archives of Virology, Springer Verlag, Wien New York.
Jack Johnson’s and Anette Schneemann’s Laboratory
The Johnson/Schneemann Virology Laboratory is located at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA with interests in structural, biophysical and molecular biological studies of viruses. RNA insect and plant viruses, and ds DNA phage have been used as model systems for the analysis of particle assembly, maturation, and cell entry, as well as for the construction of chimeric plant/animal viruses.
Winner of the GOLDEN WEB AWARD 2003-2004 and official web site of virologist Dr. Gifty Immanuel-director center for AIDS and Antiviral Research.The site deals with research on viral diseases of medical importance.
Plant Viruses Online
Information on most species of virus known to infect plants, not only those whose virions have been described, but also those like umbraviruses that have no virion protein genes of their own, and use the virion proteins of their symbiotic helper viruses instead. Plant Viruses Online – do not miss to visit this site!