Defining molecular biology as a combination of subjects like genetics and biochemistry is not incorrect. Since it is a science study that deals with the interaction and regulation of molecules to facilitate usual biological processes in living cells, molecular biology has much to do with both genetics and biochemistry.
Did you know that Molecular Biology also focuses on the interaction between various forms of RNA and DNA? Biologists closely observe the process by which proteins in the body interact with RNA (Ribo Nucleic Acid) during events of translation to facilitate bio-synthesis of new proteins. They professionally deal with the studies of DNA replication and transcription.
Appropriate courses on Molecular Biology covers a wide area of science-related topics. Some of them include:
- Introduction of Cellular Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
- The what’s and how’s of Biological Dynamics.
- Theories concerning the molecular biology of prokaryotes.
- The new age combination of computational molecular biology and genomics.
- Types of Biological Systems and the use of chemical tools to study the same.
- Study of Advanced Microbial Genetics.
- The transition of molecules to system and eventually to behavior.
- Basic Genetic study of eukaryotes.
- What are Macromolecular structure and the principles governing it?
- Nitty Gritty’s of Neuroscience.
- Quantitative analysis of genomic data using refined statistical methods.
- Biomolecular Engineering.
- Chemical Biology.
- Cell and Developmental Biology.
Molecular Biology has touched skies of advancement in the field of medicine. After successfully wrapping a good course on molecular biology, you can rack up a plethora of career opportunities in biotechnology industries, government laboratories, public health institutions, hospitals and of course in the fields of medicine. From being research specialist to meritorious candidates being offered postdoc or fellowship programs, opportunities are endless.

All About DNA
Here you can learn about the basics of DNA – everything from the four bases all the way to the peptide chain. Link
Amplification Assistant
Amplification Assistant is a troubleshooting and optimization program developed by scientists at Promega Corporation for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). By entering information on your specific reaction, the program will guide you through a decision tree which will provide recommendations and troubleshooting tips. Link
Apoptosis Special Interest Site
This Apoptosis web site will help researchers study apoptosis and cell proliferation. It contains the latest information on the apoptotic pathways and on methods for quantitative and qualitative assays. You can use this site to select the best research method for your application. Link
BioMolecular Networks Initiative: Cell Signaling
All living cells sense and respond to their environment by a set of mechanisms known as cell signaling. These mechanisms are part of a complex system of communication that govern basic cellular activities and coordinate the actions of cells. Before researchers can understand the behavior of cells, they must understand cell signaling. This is a major focus of the Biomolecular Networks Initiative (BNI). Link
CMS Molecular Biology Resource
A compendium of electronic and Internet-accessible tools and resources for Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Evolution, Biochemistry and Biomolecular Modeling. Link
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Department of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Link
Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University
The Web Site for the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University. Link
DNA Microarrays Resource
Introduction to DNA Microarray technology, resource for Microarray softwares, Microarray protocols, Microarray literature. Link
DNAvaccine.com is dedicated to giving the professional in the DNA Vaccine community access to the latest information in their field. In addition, we seek to establish a network of connections among these professionals for the purpose of maintaining a free flow of information. Link
Functional Genomics
European programme covering all aspects of functional genomics – proteomics, microarrays, SNPs, expression profiling, structural genomics, bioinformatics etc. Running workshops, training courses and travel fellowships. Link
Fungal Mitochondrial Genome Project (FMGP)
The goals of FMGP are to (i) sequence complete mitochondrial genomes from all major fungal lineages, (ii) infer a robust fungal phylogeny, (iii) define the origin of the fungi, their protistan ancestors, and their specific phylogenetic link to the animals, (iv) investigate mitochondrial gene expression, introns, RNAse P RNA structures, mobile elements. Link
In silico PCR amplification
Simulation of molecular Biology methods online with complate sequenced bacterial genomes: PCR amplification, AFLP-PCR, and restriction digest and PFGE. Additional tools are available. Link
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Homepage for the Journal Molecular and Cellular Biology. Researchers find Molecular and Cellular Biology to be an authoritative source of fundamental knowledge and new developments in all aspects of the molecular biology of eukaryotic cells. Essential to all scientists in the field, MCB publishes work on microbial as well as higher organisms and on viral systems where the emphasis is clearly on the cell. Link
Molecular Bioinformatics of Gene Regulation
The focus of the GBF project are regulatory genomic signals and regions, in particular those that govern transcriptional control. We analyze and characterize the underlying sequence elements and their context and develop database and software tools for their identification in newly unravelled genomic sequences. The basis of this work is the TRANSFAC database. It compiles data about gene regulatory DNA sequences and protein factors binding to and acting through them. Link
Molecular info
Updated Information in Molecular Biology and Life Sciences. Link
Nucleic Acids Research
Journal publishes the results of leading edge research into physical, chemical, biochemical and biological aspects of nucleic acids and proteins involved in nucleic acid metabolism and/or interactions. It enables the rapid publication of papers under the following categories: RNA, molecular biology, chemistry, genomics, computational biology and structural biology. A Survey and Summary section provides a format for brief reviews. The first issue of each year is devoted to biological databases. Link
OGMP – Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program
The Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program (OGMP) is an interdisciplinary collaboration involving ten research groups, predominantly in Eastern Canada, each of which is interested in molecular evolution of mitochondria, plastids and bacteria. Focus of this collaborative effort is on organelle phylogeny. A centralized sequencing facility, the Megasequencing Unit, serves as the major research hub and is located at the University of Montreal. Link
PCR for all
PCR: questions, answers, problems, application, resources, textbooks. Link