The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Evolution, and Probability
The creationist belief that evolution violates the laws of thermodynamics is based on a misunderstanding of both evolution and thermodynamics. Link
The Talk.Origins Archive
The Talk.Origins Archive: exploring the creation/evolution controversy from a mainstream scientific perspective. Link
Unofficial Stephen Jay Gould Archive
Makes public a selection of the author’s scientific work, and includes a wide assortment of papers on evolutionary theory. Link
What is Creationism?
This article gives brief descriptions of the different varieties of creationism, both Bible-based and otherwise, with examples of notable proponents. Link
What is Darwinism?
Do Darwinism and natural selection really conflict with what is now known about evolution? Link
What is Evolution?
All too often creationists spend their time arguing with a straw-man caricature of evolution. This brief essay presents a definition of evolution that is acceptable to evolutionists. Link
the theory that evolution occurred through natural selection. This was again the result of observations such as: • The offspring produced survive longer.