To understand concepts like DNA duplication, it is imperative to be familiar with the subject of cell cycle.
What is cell cycle?
Cell cycle, often called the cell-division cycle is the study of events like division and duplication, occurring within the cell. It might interest you to know that not all cells come with a nucleus. These cells are termed as ‘Eukaryotes‘. For those cells with a nucleus, division occurs in the form of mitosis and meiosis. Duplication also takes place, resulting in the formation of two daughter cells.
However, unlike the obvious, the Eukaryotes also undergo episodes of division and duplication but in a different process, known as binary fission. Studying about cell cycle is not a plain sailing. Wondering why? Well, the cell cycle is further subdivided into three unique phases.
- Interphase: This is the very first phase in a cell cycle. Here, the cells absorb nutrients and prepares for mitosis. Stages involved in the duplication of DNA also begin here.
- Mitotic Phase: This is essentially the division phase. Mature, grown cells finally split into two daughter cells.
- Cytokinesis: Also known as the final stage, cytokinesis witness the complete division of a cell and formation of a new organism. In this stage, a single-cell fertilized egg finally develops into a mature organism and goes through a series of other complex processes by which internal organs, hair, blood cells and skin appear visible.
The time taken to complete a cell cycle varies from cell to cell. Some cells undergo rapid division like cells in stomach and intestines, cells in the skin or even the blood cells in bone marrow. Other cells put a halt to the process of the division once it is matured.
Example of such a cell is the nerve cells. There are other types of cells which divide only when there is a need of replacement of damaged and dead cells. The ones in liver, kidneys and lungs are examples of such cells.
Learning about cell cycle is highly advantageous. It allows a biologist to discover new information about cell borne diseases like cancer, understand the cell interactions and pathways to create drugs, vaccines or effective treating modules to combat the lethal impacts of deadly diseases.
Cell Cycle Regulated Yeast Genes
The yeast cell cycle analysis project’s goal is to identify all genes whose mRNA levels are regulated by the cell cycle.
Cell Division: Binary Fission and Mitosis
This site includes: the Cell Cycle, Prokaryotic Cell Division, Eukaryotic Cell Division, Mitosis, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis, Interphase, G1 Phase, DNA synthesis, S Phase, G2 phase, Differentiation, R point, Asexual Reproduction, Binary Fission, Segregation of chromosomes, Sexual reproduction, Kinetochore, Spindle Apparatus, Microtubules, Histone proteins, Chromatids, Centromeres & Centrioles, Chromatin, Aster, Equator, Metaphase plate, Organelle division.