35 Most Colorful Birds In The World!

colorful birds list

Colorful birds: Among terrestrial animals, birds are probably the most colorful[A] in terms of physical appearance. As expected, the spectacular display of various colors and patterns shown by different bird species is significant because birds themselves can recognize colors.


  1. Really awesome article! Amazing birds.

    You use Golden Peasant and Pheasant interchangeably. Not sure if that was purposeful 🙂

  2. Hi the bird named Splendid Fairywren is infact a Superb Fairywren
    The Splendid fairywren has much more blue than the Splendid Fairywren
    The Splendid fairy wren is the Malurus splendens but the Splendid Fairywren (the one shown) is the Malurus cyaneus
    Both are truly beautiful birds and deserve to be in the list
    Not trying to be picky just correct

  3. The photo of the Red-Bearded Bee-Eater appears to be incorrect. It obviously doesn’t have a red beard. The photo looks like a European Bee-Eater. Also, in your bibliography, the link you have to your source at Animal Files shows a totally different bird – with a red beard. http://www.theanimalfiles.com/birds/kingfishers_relatives/red_bearded_bee_eater.html

    Perhaps a correction of either the photo or the description would be in order. I didn’t check the other birds for accuracy but assuming this is the only error it is a beautiful, informative webpage.

  4. Woooww i really enjoyed the article, its so amazing . It reminds me the time i went to Kruger National Park . I was surprised to hear that there are about 10 000 different species of birds. Its so cool. You can check Kruger National Park out guys http://www.krugerpark.co.za/. The trip advisers where so helpful as well, they seemed so knowledgeable, you can check out Iconic Africa trip advisers as well http://www.krugerpark.co.za/


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