Colombia Monkeys

Mottle-faced Tamarin

Species Name: Saguinus inustus
The Mottle-faced tamarin (Saguinus inustus) is endemic to South America. The Mottle-Faced tamarin monkey gets its name from its mottled face, which means their faces have spots.

Miller’s Saki

Species Name: Pithecia milleri
Miller's Saki (Pithecia milleri), also called Miller's monk saki, is a species of the saki family, a type of New World monkey. Miller's sakis are diurnal and quadrupedal leapers. They usually move on all fours but can be seen swinging bipedally on large branches before leaping to another tree.

Río Cesar White-fronted Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus cesarae
The Río Cesar white-fronted capuchin (Cebus cesarae) is a gracile capuchin monkey native to the Cesar River Valley in northern Colombia. Like other monkeys of the genus Cebus, the Río Cesar white-fronted capuchin is named after the order of the Friar Capuchins because the crests of these friars closely resemble the coloring of the monkey's head.

White-tailed Titi

Species Name: Plecturocebus discolor
White-tailed titi monkeys, also called red titi monkeys or red-crowned titis and not to be confused with coppery titi (Callicebus cupreus), also commonly known as red titi, are endemic to the dense rainforest and gallery forests of Peru and Ecuador.

Silvery Brown Bare-face Tamarin

Species Name: Saguinus leucopus
The white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus), the silvery-brown bare-faced tamarin, is native to Colombia. It is silvery brown with pale stripes and reddish underparts. It closely resembles the cotton-tipped tamarin from which it is separated by the Atrato River.

Sierra De Perijá White-fronted Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus leucocephalus
The Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin monkey (Cebus leucocephalus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to Venezuela and Colombia. The Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin range is restricted to northwestern Venezuela and northern Colombia forests.

Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus malitiosus
The Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin (Cebus malitiosus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to Colombia. The Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin range is restricted to forests near northern Colombia's northwestern base of the Sierra de Santa Marta.

Lucifer Titi

Species Name: Cheracebus lucifer
Lucifer Titi (Cheracebus lucifer) is a species of Titi, a New World monkey endemic to South America. It is found in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil. This yellow-handed Titi was described as Callicebus lucifer in 1914.

Black Titi

Species Name: Cheracebus lugens
The Black Titi (Cheracebus lugens) is a species of Titi, a New World monkey endemic to South America. It is found in Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil. It is also known as White-chested Titi.

Variegated Spider Monkey

Species Name: Ateles hybridus
The Variegated spider monkey or brown spider monkey (Ateles hybridus) is an endangered species of spider monkey, a species of New World monkey endemic to the forests of northwestern Venezuela and northern Colombia.

Varied White-fronted Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus versicolor
The Varied white-fronted capuchin (Cebus versicolor) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey endemic to Colombia. The Varied white-fronted capuchin lives in the lowland rainforests and palm swamps of the Magdalena River Valley in northern Colombia.

Ursine Howler

Species Name: Alouatta arctoidea
The Ursine howler (Alouatta arctoidea) is a species of howler monkey endemic to Venezuela and possibly Colombia. These howlers are famous for their "morning chorus".

Peruvian White-fronted Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus yuracus
The Peruvian white-fronted capuchin or Marañón white-fronted capuchin (Cebus yuracus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to the upper Amazon basin. Peruvian white-fronted capuchin monkeys live in multi-male, multi-female groups of 5 to 18 individuals, with approximately equal numbers of males and females.

Panamanian Night Monkey

Species Name: Aotus zonalis
The Panamanian night monkey or Chocoan night monkey (Aotus zonalis) is a species of night monkey formerly considered a subspecies of the grey-bellied night monkey in the Aotidae family. Panamanian night monkeys are sympatric with other species. They do not compete for resources with other animals in their range due to their alternate schedules.

Ornate Titi

Species Name: Plecturocebus ornatus
The ornate titi (Plecturocebus ornatus) is a species of titi and the smallest member of the Pitheciidae family, including the uakari and saki monkeys. Ornate titis have a monogamous mating system. A couple has a strong bond and stays together for years.

Lesson’s Saddle-Back Tamarin

Species Name: Leontocebus fuscus
Lesson's Saddle-Back Tamarin (Leontocebus fuscus) is a small New-world monkey endemic to South America. Its type locality is in Colombia, on the plains of Mocoa, Putumayo, between the Caquetá River and the Putumayo River.

Hairy Saki

Species Name: Pithecia hirsuta
The hairy saki (Pithecia hirsuta) is a species of saki monkey, a New World primate species. The species was identified by Johann Baptist von Spix in 1823 but later merged with the Mönk saki (P. monachus). Then, a 2014 study revived it as a separate species due to differences in fur coloration.

Gray’s Bald-faced Saki

Species Name: Pithecia irrorata
Gray's Bald-faced Saki (Pithecia irrorata), also known as Rio Tapajós saki, is a New World monkey native to South America. These monkeys are renowned for being reclusive because they avoid humans and quiet nature.

Ecuadorian Squirrel Monkey

Species Name: Saimiri macrodon
The Ecuadorian squirrel monkey is a species of the squirrel monkey. Although it occasionally ventures to the ground to play or feed, the Ecuadorian squirrel monkey is strictly an arboreal primate.

Caquetá Titi

Species Name: Plecturocebus caquetensis
The caquetá titi also called the bushy-bearded titi or red-bearded titi, is a species of titi monkey native to Colombia in the Caquetá region. Dr. Marta Bueno, Thomas Defler, and their student Javier García of the National University of Colombia are credited with the 2008 discovery of the Caquetá-Titi monkey.

Brumback’s Night Monkey

Species Name: Aotus brumbacki
Brumback's Night Monkey is a nocturnal monkey species found in Colombia. Still, recently, it has been argued that it should be considered a separate species. The species is named in honor of the American naturalist and physician Roger Brumback.

Bolivian Red Howler

Species Name: Alouatta sara
The Bolivian red howler monkey is a New-World monkey species native to neotropical South America. The Bolivian red howlers live in groups of 1 to 3 males and 2 to 7 females. Males in bachelor groups try to dominate the female group by wrestling the lead male.

Black-mantled Tamarin

Species Name: Leontocebus nigricollis
The black-mantled tamarin is a saddleback tamarin native to northwestern Amazonia in far western Brazil, eastern Ecuador, southeastern Colombia, and northeastern Peru. Leontocebus nigricollis live in small multi-male and multi-female social groups of 4 to 12 and occupy 30 to 50 hectares.

Colombian Black-handed Titi

Species Name: Cheracebus medemi
The Colombian Black-handed titi is a species of titi, a New World primate native to Colombia. The Colombian black-handed titi is a diurnal and arboreal monkey that prefers to live in dense forests near water.

Black Uakari

Species Name: Cacajao melanocephalus
Also called the golden-backed black uakari, golden-backed uakari, and Homboldt's black-headed uakari, the black uakari, is a species native to southwestern Venezuela, southeastern Colombia, and northwestern Brazil. The face of Cacajao melanocephalus is black and bare, hence the common name "black uakari" or "black-faced uakari". The hands and lower limbs are black too.

Spix’s Night Monkey

Species Name: Aotus vociferans
The Spix's night monkey (Aotus vociferans), also called the Spix's owl monkey, Colombian gray nocturnal monkey, and noisy night monkey is a species of night monkey native to South America.

Humboldt’s Woolly Monkey

Species Name: Lagothrix lagothricha
Humboldt's woolly monkey, common woolly monkey, or brown woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha) is a woolly monkey endemic to South America. Humboldt's woolly monkeys can show subtle mood swings and intentions with various facial expressions.

Humboldt’s White Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus albifrons
Humboldt's white capuchins, also known as white-fronted capuchins, are a species of New-World monkeys and one of the smallest capuchin groups. Humboldt’s squirrel monkeys are usually led by a dominant male and female.

Humboldt’s Squirrel Monkey

Species Name: Saimiri cassiquiarensis
Humboldt's squirrel monkey (Saimiri cassiquiarensis) is a species of squirrel monkey found in South America's tropical rainforests, except for the coastal forests of southeastern Brazil.

Goeldi’s Marmoset

Species Name: Callimico goeldii
Goeldi marmoset or Goeldi monkey is a small South American New-World monkey living in the upper Amazon basin region of Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. Goeldi marmosets generally stay less than 5 meters from the forest floor, moving to higher elevations for fruit.

Geoffroy’s Tamarin

Species Name: Saguinus geoffroyi
Geoffroy's tamarin, also called the Panamanian tamarin, red-crested tamarin, or rufous-naped marmoset tamarin, is a tamarin, a small monkey found in Colombia and Panama. In what may seem like a role reversal in many monkey species, Geoffroy's tamarins are led by the oldest female in a group.

Cotton-Top Tamarin

Species Name: Saguinus oedipus
The cotton-top tamarin is another small New-World primate found at the edge of tropical and secondary forests in northwestern Colombia. The common names "cotton-headed tamarin" and "cotton-top tamarin" are derived from the white hairs that spread across the head and flow down the neck.

Red Howler Monkey

Species Name: Alouatta seniculus
The Colombian red howler or Venezuelan red howler is a South American species of howler monkey, a New World species of monkey found in the western Amazon basin. Colombian red howler monkeys live in relatively large social groups composed of around 10 individuals, with just one or possibly two of the individuals being male.

White-bellied Spider Monkey

Species Name: Ateles belzebuth
The white-bellied spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth), also called the long-haired or white-fronted spider monkey, is an endangered species of spider monkey, a species of New-World monkey. These arboreal monkeys spend most of their time in the canopy. They rarely go down. When they do, they drink water, eat dirt, traverse a treeless area, or run away from an aggressive opponent.

Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey)

Species Name: Cebuella pygmaea
The pygmy marmoset (smallest monkey), genus Cebuella (also known as Finger Monkey), is a small genus of New-World monkeys endemic to the tropical rainforests of the western Amazon Basin in South America. Pygmy marmosets are also highly territorial, using scent glands to mark territories of up to 100 hectares.

Mantled Howler Monkey

Species Name: Alouatta palliata
The Mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) is a species of howler monkey, a New World monkey native to South and Central America. The species gets its name "mantled" from the long, protective hairs on its sides.

White-Throated Capuchin

Species Name: Cebus capucinus
White-throated capuchins, also called the white-headed capuchins, Colombian white-throated capuchins, and white-faced capuchins, are New World monkeys native to the tropical rainforests of western Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.

Black-Headed Spider Monkey

Species Name: Ateles fusciceps
The black-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps) is a species of New-World monkey native to Central and South America. The species name "Ateles" is derived from the Greek word "ateleia" meaning imperfect or incomplete. It was likely chosen because these monkeys do not have a thumb. There are 2 additional sub-species of black-headed spider monkey namely Brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps fusciceps) and Colombian spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps rufiventris).
Bald Uakari

Bald Uakari

Species Name: Cacajao calvus
The obscure Bald Uakari (Cacajao Calvus) is an acrobatic Amazonian monkey with a flaming red face uniquely adapted to periodically flooded forests. Surprising insights on its taxonomy, specialized seed-based diet, unusual social life, habitat flexibility, and urgent need to conserve diminishing flooded forest habitat across the Amazon Basin.

Andean Saddle-back Tamarin

Species Name: Leontocebus leucogenys
The Andean saddle tamarin, also known as the saddleback tamarin (formerly known as the brown-mantled tamarin), is a New World monkey species. Andean saddleback monkeys are considered "phyletic dwarfs," meaning their small size is related to their evolutionary development.