Animalia | Primates | Lepilemuridae | Lepilemur | Lepilemur ahmansonorum |
- Common Name: Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 2006
- Monkey Size: 47 to 54 cm (19 to 21 inches)
- Skin Color(s): Grey brown or reddish
- Habitat: Dry forests
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Madagascar
Ahmanson’s sportive lemur Distribution
Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur Characteristics
Strictly nocturnal and primarily arboreal, Ahmanson’s sportive lemurs[1] move through the trees in long leaps, propelled by their powerful hind legs.
- Ahmanson’s lemurs are among the smallest representatives of their species, with a body length of 19 to 21 inches, a tail length of 23 to 24 centimeters, and a density of 0.6 to 0.8 kg.
- Its fur is mostly gray, the outer sides of the limbs are slightly reddish, and the tail is brown.
- The belly is gray and paler towards the back. They typically have a small head with large, rounded ears.
Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur Facts
- The species was originally named Lepilemur ahmansoni, but the name was misspelled and corrected to Lepilemur ahmansonorum in 2009.
- Although rare among mammals, most females in lemur society demonstrate social dominance over males.
- Adults are nocturnal and solitary, remaining solitary during nightly foraging for leaves.
- On the ground, they jump like the kangaroo. During the day, they hide in mulch or in tree hollows.
- Ahmanson’s sportive lemurs are primarily solitary and defend their territory against invaders of the same sex.
Suggested Reading: Kinds of Monkeys | Kinds of Prosimians
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, January 02). Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur. Bio Explorer. "Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur" Bio Explorer, 02 January 2025, "Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur" Bio Explorer, January 02 2025.