Animalia | Primates | Pitheciidae | Plecturocebus | Plecturocebus discolor |

Red-crowned Titi Distribution

White-tailed Titi Characteristics
White-tailed titi monkeys[1], also called red titi monkeys or red-crowned titis and not to be confused with Coppery titi (Callicebus cupreus), also commonly known as red titi, are endemic to the dense rainforest and gallery forests of Peru and Ecuador.
- A small population is also found in Colombia. The body and tail of the red titi monkey are covered in soft, silky, brown fur with white markings.
- Their belly, arms, and sideburns are a shiny rust color. A white headband frames their forehead.
- Their small, rounded ears barely protrude from the thick fur on each side of its head. Their faces are small and hairless, with thin lips, flat noses, and hazel eyes.
- The air sac in their larynx allows them to produce deafening calls. In addition, their hands and feet have opposing thumbs and fingers.

White-tailed Titi Facts
- The Secoya people, who live near the Aguarico River in Ecuador, believed that non-human primates like the red titi monkeys were allies of the gods and humans.
- When Western naturalists Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Deville first discovered white-tailed titis monkeys in 1848, they named them Callicebus discolor. The species has since been identified as a different genus, and its scientific name changed to Plecturocebus discolor.
- Family members, particularly the bonded pair, spend much of their free time grooming one another, strengthening their bond.
- These red-crowned titis move between trees and branches by walking or jumping on four limbs.
- Red titis produce loud duets. These songs are believed to express the bond between a male and a female and share territorial information with other titi monkeys.

Suggested Reading: Different Kinds of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). White-tailed Titi. Bio Explorer. "White-tailed Titi" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "White-tailed Titi" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.