Vieira's Titi

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Pitheciidae Plecturocebus Plecturocebus vieirai
  • Common Name: Vieira’s Titi
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 2012
  • Monkey Size: 30 to 45 cm (11 to 17 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Grey or brown
  • Habitat: Rainforest
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Brazil

Vieira’s Titi Distribution

Vieira’s Titi Characteristics

The Vieira’s titi monkey[1] (Plecturocebus vieirai) is a species of Titi, a New World Monkey species native to north-central Brazil. They have bright reddish-brown faces with yellowish cheek hairs.

  • Their forehead has a thin blackened stripe (approx. 0.5 cm) contrasting with an agouti gray crown and slightly lighter than gray on the legs and arms.
  • The ears are crown-shaped. The back and sides are agouti-grey, with the central region along the back reddish-brown, giving it a darker appearance than the sides; Outer parts of the limbs are agouti-grey, contrasting slightly with the back and sides.
  • Extremities of the limbs (hands and feet) are whitish, contrasting with the agouti gray of the external parts of the limbs.
  • The throat, thorax, abdomen, and inner limbs have a bright reddish-brown tint, similar to the side tint of the face. The tail is black, distally 10 cm (approx. ), and gray-white is noticeable.

Vieira’s Titi Facts

  • Plecturocebus vieirai is named after Professor Carlos Octaviano da Cunha Vieira (1897-1958), a Brazilian mammal researcher and former curator of the Mammal Collection of the zoological museum of the University of São Paulo (MZUSP), Brazil.
  • Groups vary in size from 2 -4 people, usually with an adult male and an adult female. The young generally leave the group at 2-3 years old.
  • Adults use chest rub as a visual cue, slowly drawing tree branches across their chest. Later, after brushing, the area is felt or rubbed.
  • Like other titis, the Vieira’s Titi is highly territorial, emitting loud calls to mark its territory and scare away other animals.
  • They usually sleep together in a vine-covered tree, often returning to the same tree night after night.

Suggested Reading: Types of Monkeys List

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Vieira’s Titi. Bio Explorer. "Vieira’s Titi" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Vieira’s Titi" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Vieira’s titi ::: Open WIKI”. Accessed December 21, 2022. Link.


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