Ursine Red Howler

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Atelidae Alouatta Alouatta arctoidea
IUCN Status: Least-Concern
  • Common Name: Ursine Red Howler
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1940
  • Monkey Size: 46 to 72 cm (18.11 to 28.35 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Deep reddish-brown
  • Habitat: Savanna or grassland, forest, rainforest
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Venezuela, Colombia

Ursine Red Howler Distribution

Ursine Howler Characteristics

The Ursine howler[1] (Alouatta arctoidea) is a species of howler monkey endemic to Venezuela and possibly Colombia.

  • These New-World Monkeys are sometimes considered a subspecies of the Venezuelan red howler and classified as Alouatta seniculus arctoidea.
  • The sexual dimorphism of this species is low; males are 49-72 cm and females 46-57 cm long.
  • Males weigh between 5.4 and 9 kg, while females weigh between 4.2 and 7 kg. It has a long prehensile tail of 49 to 75 cm.
  • The tail is covered with hair except for the last third of the lower part, which allows it to cling to branches.
  • The color of both male and female species is a deep reddish brown, and the hue changes with age. Their faces are lined with fur, and they have snub noses.

Ursine Howler Facts

  • The Ursine howler lives in groups of 3 to 9 individuals (usually 5 to 7). These primates are polygynous, with only one or two leading males and the rest females and their young.
  • A male is usually the dominant monkey in the group, the alpha male, and is responsible for guiding them to new feeding spots and defending them. The females of the group take care of the young.
  • Ursine howlers are most active in the morning when the herd comes out to find another feeding area.
  • These howlers are famous for their “morning chorus“. These roaring and howling calls are emitted mainly by the group’s males. The roar can be heard up to 5 km away in the forest and is felt in the surrounding area.
  • As with other New World monkeys, the Ursine howler’s dental formula (upper and lower jaw) consists of two incisors, one canine, three premolars, and three molars.

Suggested Reading: Kinds of Monkeys

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2024, December 21). Ursine Howler. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/ursine-howler/.
BioExplorer.net. "Ursine Howler" Bio Explorer, 21 December 2024, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/ursine-howler/.
BioExplorer.net. "Ursine Howler" Bio Explorer, December 21 2024. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/ursine-howler/.
Key References
  • [1]“ursine howler monkey-Encyclopedia of Life”. Accessed December 21, 2022. Link.


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