Tonkean Macaque

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Cercopithecidae Macaca Macaca tonkeana
Tonkean Macaque
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
  • Common Names: Tonkean Macaque, Tonkean Black Macaques
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1899
  • Monkey Size: 50 to 67.5 cm (20 to 26 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Black
  • Habitat: Forest, rainforest
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Native Countries: Indonesia

Tonkean Macaque Distribution

Tonkean Macaque Characteristics

Tonkean Macaque

Tonkean macaques[1], also known as Tonkean black macaques, are endemic to the central part of the island of Sulawesi and the neighboring Togian Islands in Indonesia.

  • They are found in lowland forests and foothills at moderate elevations below 1, 500 meters. Males are slightly larger than females, although both sexes look athletic with strong arms and thighs.
  • Their bodies are covered in long, shaggy black fur accented by patches of white on the back of the legs, buttocks, face, and chin.
  • Their faces appear carved from wood, with a powerful snout carved inward on each side and a set of prominent eyebrows that make their round brown eyes appear small and deep-set.
  • The strands of white hair on her cheeks add to the majesty of their face.
  • Like all primates, they have five fingers and toes; although their thumb is shorter than a human’s (compared to the size of their hands), these monkeys are very agile.

What Do Tonkean Macaques Eat?

What Do Tonkean Macaques Eat?

The Tonkean Macaque feeds on several food sources but not limited to[¶]:

  • Tanoak (Lithocarpus)
  • Fig (Ficus)
  • Sparrow’S Mango (Buchanania arborescens).
  • Brown-Woolly Fig (Ficus drupacea).
  • Redflower Ragleaf (Crassocephalum crepidioides).
  • Blumea (Blumea lacera)
  • Touch-Me-Nots (Balsaminaceae)
  • Fig (Ficus tinctoria)
  • Bachang (Mangifera foetida)
  • Java Almond (Canarium indicum).
  • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum)

Tonkean Macaque Facts

Tonkean Macaque Yawning

  • Tonkea macaques are pretty intelligent and creative. Some captive individuals have been observed making tools from plant stems. Several studies show that they quickly learn to use and manipulate new objects.
  • When they yawn or introduce themselves, they expose a row of surprisingly long, pointed upper canines.
  • They have cheek pouches to carry food while feeding.
  • These Asian macaques live in groups consisting of several adult male and female species and their young (infants and juveniles).
  • Unlike other species of macaques, where nepotism and fanaticism are the norms, Tonkea macaques are relatively friendly. They do not form relationships based solely on hierarchy and kinship.

Suggested Reading: Types of Monkeys

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Tonkean Macaque. Bio Explorer. "Tonkean Macaque" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Tonkean Macaque" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Tonkean Macaque, Macaca tonkeana | New England Primate Conservancy”. Accessed November 08, 2022. Link.
  • [¶] – fgabriel1891/Plant-Frugivore-Interactions-SouthEastAsiaRiley 2007. Flexibility in Diet and Activity Patterns of Macaca tonkeana in Response to Anthropogenic Habitat Alteration. International Journal of Primatology. Vol. 28. No1.


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