Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Allochrocebus | Allochrocebus solatus |

- Common Name: Sun-tailed Monkey
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1988
- Monkey Size: 42 to 56 cm (6 to 22 in)
- Skin Color(s): Gray-brown
- Habitat: Forest, rainforest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Gabon

Sun-tailed Monkey Distribution

Sun-Tailed Monkey Characteristics
The sun-tailed monkey[1] (Allocrocebus solatus) is among the most understudied primates in its habitat.
- Discovered as a new species in 1988, it is classified as a guenon, a member of the Cercopithecus genus, but later moved to the Allochrocebus genus.
- It is closely related to Allocrocebus ihoesti and Allocrocebus preussi as determined by chromosome analysis.
- Sun-tailed monkeys have grey-brown fur on most of their bodies. Their backs are rusty brown, and their tails fade to white, then the bright orange that gave them their name.
- The males’ coloring is more intense than the females, and their fur pattern is more contrasting.
- Males also have a distinctive white ruff much less developed than females.
- Juveniles are yellowish-brown throughout and eventually develop adult coloration. However, before reaching maturity, it is less vivid and less contrasting.

Sun-Tailed Monkey Facts
- Although sun-tailed monkeys primarily eat fruit, grass, and invertebrates, young sun-tailed monkeys have been hunting larger prey, including duikers, small antelope species.
- These monkeys are diurnal and probably semi-terrestrial. However, their degree of earthiness has been the subject of debate among scholars, with early reports labeling them as terrestrial species and others as more arboreal.
- Sun-tailed monkeys spend much more time on the ground during the dry season than during the rainy season.
- Sun-tailed monkeys travel primarily in quadrupeds. They also climb and jump trees and occasionally walk on two legs.
- The groups consist of one male and several females, with an average of 18 individuals. The adult sex ratio is usually five females to one male.

Suggested Reading: Different Kinds of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Sun-Tailed Monkey. Bio Explorer. "Sun-Tailed Monkey" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Sun-Tailed Monkey" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.