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Stump-tailed Macaque Distribution

Stump-Tailed Macaque Characteristics

The stump-tailed macaque[1], also known as the Bear macaque, is an Old World monkey endemic to Cambodia, northeastern India, southwestern China, Myanmar, and Laos, from northwestern Peninsular Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand.
- This Asian primate was also found in eastern Bangladesh but is now considered extinct in the region.
- True to their name, stump-tailed macaques have short, hairless tails that are only 3.2 to 6.9 cm long. Adults have long sandy dark brown hair.
- Babies are born white and darken as they age. The stump-tailed macaque’s faces are hairless and bright pink or red.
- With time and exposure to sunlight, the red color darkens and may even turn black. Males have larger canines than females, which helps to establish social dominance.
- Like all other macaques, stump-tailed macaques have cheek pouches to store food.

Stump-Tailed Macaque Facts

- One of the signs of aging in this species is baldness: stump-tailed macaques show hair loss similar to human male pattern baldness, although hair loss occurs in both male and female macaques.
- Stump-tailed macaques are semi-terrestrial primates. Their large size and weight make them clumsy climbers, spending most of their time on the ground.
- These macaques live in social groups with several males and females made up of different families of monkeys. The total number of individuals in a group can vary from a few monkeys to 60.
- Stump-tailed macaque groups are based on dominance hierarchies. Some monkeys rank higher than others and have special privileges that others do not.
- These primates “coo” with each other, so even if another monkey is out of sight, the sound of their cooing will let friends and family know they’re nearby.

Suggested Reading: World of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Stump-tailed Macaque. Bio Explorer. "Stump-tailed Macaque" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Stump-tailed Macaque" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.