Animalia | Primates | Cebidae | Cebus | Cebus cuscinus |

Shock-headed Capuchin Distribution

Shock-headed Capuchin Characteristics
The shock-headed capuchin[1] (Cebus cuscinus) is a gracile capuchin monkey native to Peru and Bolivia.
- This New-world monkey was previously classified as a subspecies of the Humboldt’s capuchin (Cebus albifrons), but in 2013 Rylands and Mittermeier raised it to a separate species, following genetic studies done by Boubli et al. in 2012, and Lynch Alfaro et al. in 2010.
- Males have a head and body length of around 40 cm (16 in) with a tail length of around 44 cm (17 in).
- Females have a head and body length of between 39 and 46 cm (15 and 18 in) with a tail length of between 39 and 47.5 cm (15.4 and 18.7 in).
- They have dark brown fur on their backs, darker limbs, and yellowish-brown hands and feet. The front is cream.
- Their face is pinkish, and they have a dark brown wedge-shaped cap clearly separated from the lighter forehead.

Shock-Headed Capuchin Facts
- Shock-headed capuchin inhabits dry land and seasonally flooded lowland forests in the upper Amazon and montane forests on the western slopes of the Andes up to 1800 m altitude.
- Like other gracile capuchin monkeys, shock-headed capuchins prefer medium to upper crowns but can sometimes forage on the ground.
- Both sexes occupy linear hierarchies, with the higher-ranking male being dominant over the higher-ranking female.
- Shock-headed capuchins are frugivores-insectivores, comprising a variety of seeds, fruits, arthropods, chicks, frogs, and even small mammals, with leaves, flowers, and stems.
- There’s a peak birth season with an eighteen-month inter-birth interval.

Suggested Reading: Types of Monkey Names
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Shock-headed Capuchin. Bio Explorer. "Shock-headed Capuchin" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Shock-headed Capuchin" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.