Semliki Red Colobus

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Cercopithecidae Piliocolobus Piliocolobus semlikiensis
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
  • Common Name: Semliki Red Colobus
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1991
  • Monkey Size: 45 to 67 cm (17.7 to 26.4 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Red and black
  • Habitat: Forest and mountains
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Native Countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda

Semliki Red Colobus Distribution

Semliki Red Colobus Characteristics

The Semliki red colobus[1] (Piliocolobus semlikiensis) is native to central Africa.

  • Historically, it was treated as a subspecies of the Central African red colobus (Piliocolobus foai), but more recent taxonomies generally treat it as a separate species.
  • The Semliki red colobus lives in the ironwood forest of the northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo between the Rwenzori Mountains and the Semliki River valley.
  • The Semliki red colobus has long red and black fur on the back and head with a paler underside.
  • Males have a body length excluding the tail between 50 and 69 centimeters (20 and 27 in) with a tail between 62 and 67 centimeters (24 and 26 in) long.
  • Males typically weigh between 9 and 13 kilograms (20 and 29 pounds), and females typically weigh between 7 and 9 kilograms (15 and 20 pounds).
  • It has smaller teeth than most other red colobus species.

Semliki Red Colobus Facts

  • Groups often build a dominance hierarchy determined by aggressive behavior.
  • Food, care, and sexual partners are first distributed to higher-ranking individuals, followed by lower-ranking individuals.
  • They live in large herds that can number up to 80 individuals, with an average of 20 to 40 monkeys.
  • Like other red colobus monkeys, they are believed to be primarily leaf feeders.
  • The Semliki red colobus monkey is targeted by hunters because of its size.

Suggested Reading: All Monkeys

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Semliki Red Colobus. Bio Explorer. "Semliki Red Colobus" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Semliki Red Colobus" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Red colobus (Piliocolobus) conservation action plan 2021-2026”. Accessed November 26, 2022. Link.


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