Rio Beni Titi

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Pitheciidae Plecturocebus Plecturocebus modestus
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Name: Rio Beni Titi
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1939
  • Monkey Size: 32 to 32 cm (12.6 to 12.6in)
  • Skin Color(s): Grey to orange
  • Habitat: Rainforest
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Bolivia

Rio Beni Titi Distribution

Rio Beni Titi Characteristics

The Rio Beni tití[1] is a New World Monkey species belonging to the genus Callicebus of the family Pitheciidae.

  • It is native to Bolivia and is found mainly in the eastern parts of Bolivia in the upper basins of the Mamoré and Grande rivers.
  • Rio Beni Tití monkeys are non-prehensile monkeys with an elongated tail, very few offspring, and an elongated skull.
  • They have splayed hind legs with an intermembrane thickness of 75.
  • The Rio Beni Titi monkey’s abdomen and chest are colored entirely orange to orange-brown. In contrast, the dorsal side and extremities are colored gray to orange agouti.
  • The Rio Beni titi monkey’s tail appears gray or black, and they have white tufts on their ears. Their canines are pretty small, and their molars are quite simple.
  • The Rio Beni titi monkey species is easily distinguished from its closely related species by its lack of prominent legs and strong cheek lines.

Rio Beni Titi Facts

  • The Rio Beni tití monkey is an arboreal and diurnal animal that lives mainly in its family groups composed of 2 to 7 monkeys.
  • Although male monkeys show some leadership level in these groups, there will be no dominance hierarchy between the sexes or other monkeys.
  • Adult pair of Rio Beni titi monkey remains close to each other throughout their lives and organize their activities, so they do not spend too much time physically apart.
  • Much of the Rio Beni titi monkey’s day is spent resting to digest its typically herbivorous diet.
  • Generally, these titi monkeys roost closer to their group members on the vines of small trees.

Suggested Reading: All Monkeys

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Rio Beni Titi. Bio Explorer. "Rio Beni Titi" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Rio Beni Titi" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“ITIS – Report: Plecturocebus modestus”. Accessed December 24, 2022. Link.


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