Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Cercopithecus | Cercopithecus erythrogaster |

- Common Name: Red-bellied Monkey
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1866
- Monkey Size: 46 to 46 cm (18 to 18 inches)
- Skin Color(s): Dense gray
- Habitat: Forest, rainforest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Nigeria, Benin

Red-bellied Monkey Distribution

Red-Bellied Monkey Characteristics
The red-bellied monkey[1] (Cercopithecus erythrogaster), also called the red-bellied guenon or white-throated guenon is a diurnal primate living in the trees of Tropical Rainforests or tropical areas in Benin and Nigeria.
- Pretty and slender, red-bellied monkeys’ dense gray fur is highlighted by a rust-red patch of fur on their underbelly, making them easy to identify.
- The thick white hair around its neck is reminiscent of the ruffled lace collars of Renaissance nobles, hence their common names, red-bellied or white-throated monkeys.
- The top of their head appears pointed, as do their ears. Their narrow mouth sticks out. Like all guenons, they have cheek pouches in which they store food while feeding.
- Their flat nose has hanging nostrils. Their light brown eyes are round. Their hands and feet have five fingers with opposing thumbs and toes.

Red-Bellied Monkey Facts
- The red-bellied monkey was once considered extinct due to constant hunting for fur on its unique red belly and white front legs. However, a small group was found near the Niger River in 1988.
- These monkeys are diurnal. They live in small groups in the lower treetops and, being quite shy, are not easy to spot in the wild.
- They move by walking, running on their hands and feet, or jumping.
- Members of one group maintain close relationships but avoid interacting with members of other groups.
- Red-bellied monkeys use postures to express their feelings. Gazing open-mouthed and nodding, for example, are used to warn intruders.

Suggested Reading: Every Type of Monkey
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Red-bellied Monkey. Bio Explorer. "Red-bellied Monkey" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Red-bellied Monkey" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.