- Common Name: Popa langur
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 2020
- Monkey Size: 44.7 to 60 cm (17.6 to 23.6 in)
- Skin Color(s): Dark-brown or grey-brown
- Habitat: Rainforest
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Myanmar

Popa langur Distribution

Popa Langur Characteristics

Popa langur[1] (Trachypithecus popa) is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. It occurs exclusively in Myanmar.
- The popa langur differs from other known species in the color of its fur, the length of its tail, and the dimensions of its skull.
- It’s a beautiful furry gray monkey with bright white markings around its eyes like spectacles. The popa langur has a dark brown or tan back, white belly, and black hands and feet.
- It has prominent white rings around the eyes and the snout. Like other langur monkeys, popa langurs have slender bodies with long tails.
- They weigh about 8 kilograms (18 pounds). A close relative of the popa langur is the Phayre’s langur (Trachypithecus phayrei). Still, there are some morphological differences between the two.

Popa Langur Facts
- The species is named after Mount Popa, where a population of 100 monkeys lives.
- They move mostly quadrupedally on the ground and in trees, preferring to run rather than walk.
- Popa langurs live in groups of multiple males and females, although there are also groups of single males.
- They spend the nights in dormant trees that rise an average of 40 feet (12 m) above the ground; Popa langurs usually choose the higher branches to roost.
- It is critically endangered, with 200-250 individuals remaining in the wild.

Suggested Reading: Different Types of Monkeys Images
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BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 03). Popa Langur. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/popa-langur/.
BioExplorer.net. "Popa Langur" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/popa-langur/.
BioExplorer.net. "Popa Langur" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/popa-langur/.