Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Piliocolobus | Piliocolobus pennantii |

- Common Name: Pennant’s Red Colobus
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1838
- Monkey Size: 53 to 63 cm (20.87 to 24.80 in)
- Skin Color(s): Maroon and orange
- Habitat: Rainforest
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo

Pennant’s Red Colobus Distribution

Pennant’s Red Colobus Characteristics
Pennant’s Colobus[1] or Pennant’s Red Colobus (Piliocolobus pennantii) is a species of arboreal primate in the Cercopithecidae family.
- These African Old-monkeys are native to tropical Central Africa. One of the most distinctive characteristics of colobus monkeys is the lack of thumbs.
- There is a bump where the thumb should be that looks like it was cut. The other fingers are extended to enable climbing, forming a hook to hold on to branches.
- As with many climbing mammals, the limbs of Pennant’s red colobus are elongated. In general, Pennant Red Colobus males tend to be larger than females.
- This species varies in mass from 7 to 11 kg. The length of the head and body generally varies between 53 and 63 cm, while the tail length varies between 60 and 70 cm.
- The head is relatively small, and the belly is round. The subspecies of Pennant’s red colobus vary in coat coloration.
- Shaggy hair varies between shades of brown and orange. The crown is usually dark red to almost black, and the hind legs and tail are usually dark brown.
- The hair on the forehead is parted in the middle.

Pennant’s Red Colobus Facts
- Like other red colobus monkeys, the Pennant’s red colobus lives in flocks that may consist of 12 to 80 individuals occupying a territory of 25 to 150 hectares.
- They move nimbly through the canopy, jumping from tree to tree and using the elasticity of the branches.
- Pennant’s red colobus monkeys have specialized teeth that can shred leaves and crack open rigid but flexible immature fruits and seeds embedded in the pulp.
- The Pennant’s Red Colobus is also known for being quite noisy. Sounds described as “squawks” and “barks” can be critical auditory communications between individuals and troops.
- The range of a group of Pennant’s colobus monkeys, often overlapping with other groups, can be 100 ha or more.
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Pennant’s Red Colobus. Bio Explorer. "Pennant’s Red Colobus" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Pennant’s Red Colobus" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.