Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Macaca | Macaca pagensis |

- Common Name: Pagai Island Macaque
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1903
- Monkey Size: 40 to 55 cm (15.75 to 21.65 in)
- Skin Color(s): Dark brown
- Habitat: Forest, Rainforest
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Indonesia

Pagai Island Macaque Distribution

Pagai Island Macaque Characteristics

The Pagai island macaque[1] (Macaca pagensis), also called the Pagai or Bokkoi macaque is an Old-World monkey native to the Mentawai Islands on the west coast of Sumatra.
- Male Pagai Island macaques are generally larger than females. The body length of males is 45 to 55 cm, and females are about 40 to 45 cm.
- Tail length is 13 to 16 cm in males and 10 to 13 cm in females. Males are also heavier, weighing between 6 and 9 kg, while females weigh between 4.5 and 6 kg.
- Their back is dark brown and chestnut to light brown on the sides of the neck, front of the shoulders, and underside of this species.
- The legs are brown, and the arms are reddish brown. Mentawai macaques’ faces are hairless, and they have black skin and brown eyes.

Pagai Island Macaque Facts
- They live above the forest floor in the canopy, forage between 24 and 36 meters, and can perch up to 45 meters high.
- Groups of Pagai Island macaques consist of approximately 5 to 25 individuals. A troop generally contains 1 alpha adult male and several females and their young.
- The male is the ultimate authority on where the troop forages and communicates it to the rest of the group with high-pitched calls.
- Solitary, roaming Pagai Island macaques challenge the dominant male for his position, resulting in aggressive fights.
- If they detect predators, these macaques will notify the rest of the group with a short, harsh bark.

Suggested Reading: All Monkey Species
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BioExplorer.net. (2025, February 03). Pagai Island Macaque. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/pagai-island-macaque/.
BioExplorer.net. "Pagai Island Macaque" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/pagai-island-macaque/.
BioExplorer.net. "Pagai Island Macaque" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/pagai-island-macaque/.