Pagai Island Macaque
Species Name: Macaca pagensis
The Pagai island macaque (Macaca pagensis), also called the Pagai or Bokkoi macaque is an Old-World monkey native to the Mentawai Islands on the west coast of Sumatra. Groups of Pagai Island macaques consist of approximately 5 to 25 individuals.
Pale-Thighed Langur
Species Name: Presbytis siamensis
The pale-thighed surili (Presbytis siamensis), also called the white-thighed langur, is a primate species in the Old World monkey family (Cercopithecidae). Pale-thighed langurs are savvy herbivores; it's fun to say they only eat plants and have a fussy palate, with a preference for young leaves, seeds, and fruits.
Panamanian Night Monkey
Species Name: Aotus zonalis
The Panamanian night monkey or Chocoan night monkey (Aotus zonalis) is a species of night monkey formerly considered a subspecies of the grey-bellied night monkey in the Aotidae family. Panamanian night monkeys are sympatric with other species. They do not compete for resources with other animals in their range due to their alternate schedules.
Panamanian White-faced Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus imitator
The Panamanian white-faced capuchin (Cebus mimic), also called the Panamanian white-headed capuchin or the Central American white-faced capuchin is a mid-sized New World monkey in the Cebidae family. Native to Central American forests, the Panamanian white-faced capuchin is vital to rainforest ecology for its role in seed and pollen dispersal.
Parecis Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus parecis
The Parecis titi (Plecturocebus parecis) is a species of titi, a New World monkey native to Brazil. The range of the new species is in the deforestation arc of the Amazon, where large tracts of forest are being destroyed for timber, settlements, and industrial agriculture.
Patas Monkey
Species Name: Erythrocebus patas
The Patas Monkey (Erythrocebus patas), also called the Hussar Monkey or Wadi Monkey is a terrestrial monkey distributed in semi-arid areas of West and East Africa. The patas monkey lives in multi-female groups of about 60 individuals (although much larger aggregations have been reported).
Pennant’s Red Colobus
Species Name: Piliocolobus pennantii
Pennant's Colobus or Pennant's Red Colobus (Piliocolobus pennantii) is a species of arboreal primate in the Cercopithecidae family. Like other red colobus monkeys, the Pennant's red colobus lives in flocks that may consist of 12 to 80 individuals occupying a territory of 25 to 150 hectares.
Peruvian Spider Monkey
Species Name: Ateles chamek
Peruvian spider monkeys, like other Ateles species, have a prehensile tail that can be used to facilitate brachiation. Typically, Peruvian spider monkeys have completely black fur and complexions, unlike the lighter red-faced black spider monkey.
Peruvian White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus yuracus
The Peruvian white-fronted capuchin or Marañón white-fronted capuchin (Cebus yuracus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to the upper Amazon basin. Peruvian white-fronted capuchin monkeys live in multi-male, multi-female groups of 5 to 18 individuals, with approximately equal numbers of males and females.
Peruvian Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey
Species Name: Lagothrix flavicauda
The Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda), also called the yellow-tailed woolly monkey, is a New World monkey native to Peru. Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey is among the rarest Neotropical primates and one of the largest mammals endemic to Peru.
Phayre’s Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus phayrei
Phayre's leaf monkey (Trachypithecus phayrei), also called the Phayre's langur, is a species of Lutung endemic to South and Southeast Asia. The name commemorates the late Sir Arthur Purves Phayre, a lieutenant general in the British Indian Army and commissioner of the entire province of former British Burma.
Pig-tailed Langur
Species Name: Simias concolor
The pig-tailed langur (Simias concolor), monotypic in the Simias genus, is a great Old-World monkey native to several small islands off Sumatra, Indonesia. Adult pig-tailed langurs have black faces and small, turned-up noses.
Pissinatti’s Bald-faced Saki
Species Name: Pithecia pissinattii
Pissinatti's Sakior or Pissinatti's bald-faced saki (Pithecia pissinattii), is a controversial species of saki monkey, a New World monkey. This species is named after Alcides Pissinatti, a Brazilian veterinarian who pioneered the breeding of endangered Brazilian primates.
Popa Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus popa
Popa langur (Trachypithecus popa) is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. It occurs exclusively in Myanmar. The species is named after Mount Popa, where a population of 100 monkeys lives.
Preuss’s Monkey
Species Name: Allochrocebus preussi
The Preuss's monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) also called the Preuss's guenon is a diurnal primate that inhabits terrestrial montane forests (up to 2,500 meters) in eastern Nigeria, western Cameroon, and Bioko in Equatorial Guinea.
Preuss’s Red Colobus
Species Name: Piliocolobus preussi
Preuss's red colobus (Piliocolobus preussi) is native to the Cross-Sanaga Rivers eco-region. These old-world monkeys are restricted to small areas in Cameroon and Nigeria but once occupied a much larger area.
Prince Bernhard’s Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus bernhardi
Prince Bernhard's Titi (Plecturocebus bernhardi) is a species of titi in the subfamily Callicebinae. It is a species of New World monkey native to Brazil. The species is named after Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a naturalist who established the Order of the Golden Ark to honor conservationists worldwide.
Proboscis Monkey
Species Name: Nasalis larvatus
The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is an Old World arboreal species with an unusually large nose, reddish-brown skin color, and a long tail. The proboscis monkey is a large species and one of the largest old-world monkey species native to Asia.
Purple-faced Langur
Species Name: Semnopithecus vetulus
The purple-faced langur (Semnopithecus vetulus), also called the purple-faced leaf monkey, is an Old World species native to Sri Lanka. The purple-faced langur is found in the closed forests of Sri Lanka's mountains and in the southwestern part of the country known as the 'wetland'.
Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey)
Species Name: Cebuella pygmaea
The pygmy marmoset (smallest monkey), genus Cebuella (also known as Finger Monkey), is a small genus of New-World monkeys endemic to the tropical rainforests of the western Amazon Basin in South America. Pygmy marmosets are also highly territorial, using scent glands to mark territories of up to 100 hectares.
Sunda Pig-Tailed Macaque
Species Name: Macaca nemestrina
The pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina), also called the Sundaland pig-tailed macaque and Sunda pig-tailed macaque is a medium-sized macaque native to southern Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Pig-tailed macaques also have long legs and hairless snouts.

Suggested Reading: Common Monkey Names