Olive Baboon
Species Name: Papio anubis
The Olive baboon (Papio anubis), also called the Anubis baboon, is a species of the Cercopithecidae family of Old-World monkeys. The name comes from the Egyptian god Anubis.
Olive Colobus
Species Name: Procolobus verus
The olive colobus (Procolobus verus), also called the Van Beneden's colobus or green colobus is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. It is the smallest specimen of all the Colobine monkeys. It is rarely seen in its natural habitat due to its secretive nature and cryptic coloration.
Ollala Brothers’ Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus olallae
The Ollala Brothers' titi (Plecturocebus olallae) is a marmoset species of New World monkeys native to Bolivia. Like all Neotropical primates (except Aotus), the Ollala brothers' titi monkeys are highly diurnal.
Ornate Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus ornatus
The ornate titi (Plecturocebus ornatus) is a species of titi and the smallest member of the Pitheciidae family, including the uakari and saki monkeys. Ornate titis have a monogamous mating system. A couple has a strong bond and stays together for years.
Oustalet’s Red Colobus
Species Name: Piliocolobus oustaleti
(Piliocolobus oustaleti) is another species of red colobus that lives in various forest types in the southern Central African Republic, southern South Sudan, northern Democratic Republic of the Congo, and northeastern Congo.

Suggested Reading: Colorful Monkey Species