Animalia | Primates | Pitheciidae | Cacajao | Cacajao hosomi |

- Common Name: Neblina Uakari
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 2008
- Monkey Size: 30 to 50 cm (12 to 20 in)
- Skin Color(s): Orange
- Habitat: Forest, rainforest
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Brazil, Venezuela

Neblina Uakari Distribution

Neblina Uakari Characteristics
The Neblina uakari[1] (Cacajao hosomi), black-headed uakari, is a recently described monkey species from the extreme northwest of the Brazilian Amazon and adjacent southern Venezuela.
- With wild black hair sticking out in all directions, it is easy to imagine this monkey having a bad hair day.
- Large brown eyes peek out from an expressive, black-skinned, hairless face. The snout is somewhat flattened, and whiskers emerge from the monkey’s upper lip and chin.
- The head, shoulders, arms, and lower legs are covered with glossy black hair. Chestnut-brown highlights adorn the uakari’s hairy chest.
- A long fur coat that looks like an orange peignoir covers the back and thighs and reaches down to the uakari’s fluffy tail.
- The Neblina uakari’s hands and feet are black and hairless.

Neblina Uakari Facts
- Neblina uakari’s English name refers to the Pico da Neblina, which marks its known distribution approximate center.
- When foraging, these uakaris pluck an unripe fruit from a tree and carry it to a larger branch for consumption.
- Females usually produce one young in March and April, coinciding with the fruiting season.
- They can move quadrupedally (on all fours), often bounding or galloping, with the front legs moving forward together, followed by the hind legs moving together as a unit.
- And while the Neblina uakari’s tails offer no help with balance or support, they can hang themselves by their hind legs.

Suggested Reading: How Many Types of Monkeys Are There In The World?
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Neblina Uakari. Bio Explorer. "Neblina Uakari" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Neblina Uakari" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.