Animalia | Primates | Aotidae | Aotus | Aotus nancymaae |
Nancy Ma’s night monkey Distribution
Nancy Ma’s Night Monkey Characteristics
The Nancy Ma’s night monkey[1] (Aotus nancymaae) is a species of night monkey from South America.
- It is endemic to Brazil and Peru. These small monkeys have non-prehensile tails. Their fur is light gray to light brown.
- These monkeys belong to the “red-necked” subgroup of Aotus and have orange-red hairs on the sides of the neck, the inner lining of the limbs, and the base of the tail.
- The tail is black-tipped and hangs down, a unique characteristic of all Aotus species. The coat is short, dense, and soft.
- Their hands are well-developed for grasping, and they can move more independently than other New World primates. The genitalia of adult Nancy Ma’s night monkey is brightly colored and flared.
Nancy Ma’s Night Monkey Facts
- Nancy Ma’s night monkeys are social. They form small groups of 2 to 5 individuals, all directly related to each other.
- Competition for resources to create roosts results in strong territoriality within the groups, with individual groups often not interacting.
- Nancy Ma’s night monkeys roost in carefully selected roosts during the day.
- To keep in constant contact, groups of Aotus nancymaae constantly use a sequence of chirps, trills, and whistles.
- These species climb into the upper canopy of trees at night to forage for food.
Suggested Reading: All Species of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, January 02). Nancy Ma’s Night Monkey. Bio Explorer. "Nancy Ma’s Night Monkey" Bio Explorer, 02 January 2025, "Nancy Ma’s Night Monkey" Bio Explorer, January 02 2025.