Animalia | Primates | Callitrichidae | Saguinus | Saguinus mystax |

- Common Name: black-chested mustached tamarin
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1823
- Monkey Size: 30 to 92.4 cm (11.81 to 36.38 in)
- Skin Color(s): Jet-black
- Habitat: Rainforest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Peru, Brazil

black-chested mustached tamarin Distribution

Moustached Tamarin Characteristics

Moustached tamarins[1], also known as black-chested moustached tamarins and Spyx’s moustached tamarins, are native to Peru and Brazil. These monkeys are found in all strata of the lowland Amazon rainforest.
- The long white facial hair surrounding its mouth is a distinctive feature that gives the moustached tamarin its name.
- Its face is relatively flat, with large furry ears and almond-shaped eyes. The black hairs on its body are silky and long.
- This little creature has claw-like nails on its hands and feet, except for the big toe (hallux). This helps it cling to trees when feeding on saps or fruit.

Moustached Tamarin Facts
- The moustached tamarin gets its name from the lack of coloration in the facial hair around the mouth, which resembles a mustache.
- All moustached tamarins have excellent spatial memory and can quickly identify and remember the location of fruit trees.
- Like squirrels, they run and walk on all fours with their bellies just below the surface, particularly when climbing sloping branches.
- Mustached tamarins live in groups of 2 to 8 individuals (usually 5 to 6), not counting babies. Each group usually consists of 1 or 2 adult females.
- They are territorial but have been observed in association with groups of Leontocebus fuscicollis (saddleback tamarins).

Suggested Reading: Explore All Other Monkeys Here.
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Moustached Tamarin. Bio Explorer. "Moustached Tamarin" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Moustached Tamarin" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.