Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza

Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
  • Common Name: Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1885
  • Monkey Size: 45 to 72 cm (17.72 to 28.35 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Black and white
  • Habitat: Forest, rainforest, scrub forest
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Native Countries: Tanzania, Kenya

Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza Distribution

Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza Characteristics

The Kilimanjaro guereza[1] (Colobus caudatus) is one of the 7 subspecies of the Mantled guereza.

  • It is found in Kenya and Tanzania in the forests surrounding Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • The Kilimanjaro guereza coat has a distinctive black coat with long white stripes of silky hair, known as a mantle, on the sides of the body and tail.
  • The bands that make up the coat begin at the shoulders and extend down the back to meet at the lower torso.
  • The tail is long and ends in a white tuft that covers up to 80 percent of the tail. The coat color varies from white to cream or yellow.
  • The face is framed with white and bushy hair on the cheeks. The thigh has a white band.
  • Like most colobi, the Kilimanjaro guereza coat has a small vestigial thumb.

Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza Facts

Colobus Caudatus

  • The Kilimanjaro guereza lives primarily in trees but sometimes descends to the ground to eat and travel, perhaps more so than most other colobines.
  • Despite their reputation as exclusive leaf-eaters, these guereza monkeys are not obligate leaf-eaters. Although they eat mainly leaves and fruits, their diet is highly variable. They can eat flowers, bark, wood, seeds, petioles, vines, aquatic plants, arthropods, soil, and even building concrete.
  • The Kilimanjaro guereza lives in stable social groups, usually from 3 to 15 members. Groups usually consist of 1 male, several females, and juveniles.
  • The female species of the guereza group often have an egalitarian style of dominance without formalized rank relationships.
  • Physical aggression within the group is generally harmless and hardly escalates into conflict.

Suggested Reading: All Types of Monkeys

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza. Bio Explorer. "Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“ITIS – Report: Colobus caudatus”. Accessed November 30, 2022. Link.


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