Green Monkey

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Cercopithecidae Chlorocebus Chlorocebus sabaeus
Green Monkey
IUCN Status: Least-Concern
  • Common Name: Green Monkey
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1766
  • Monkey Size: 30 to 50 cm (11.81 to 19.69 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Golden-green
  • Habitat: Savanna or grassland, forest, scrub forest
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Native Countries: Senegal, Ghana

Green Monkey Distribution

Green Monkey Characteristics

Green Monkey

The green monkey[1] (Chlorocebus sabaeus), also called the sabaeus monkey, is an Old World monkey with golden-green fur, pale feet, and hands.

  • These medium-sized monkeys are draped in dense, green-tinged, golden fur, hence their common name, green monkeys.
  • The face is hairless but covered with dark blue fur outlined by a smooth line of white fur.
  • Like other monkeys, Green monkeys have long, thin, semi- prehensile tails. In addition, male and female species are sexually dimorphic.
  • Males can weigh between 4 and 8 kg and reach an average length of 50 cm.
  • Adult females typically weigh between 3.5 and 5 kg and are around 450 mm long. The color scheme is said to feature a prominent “red-white-blue” display.

What Do Green Monkeys Eat?

What Do Green Monkeys Eat?

The Green Monkey feeds on[¶] many food sources including:

  • Fig (Ficus)
  • Hairy Rock Fig (Ficus glumosa).
  • Leaf Flower (Phyllanthus)
  • Sacred Garlic Pear (Crateva religiosa).
  • Chinalaurel (Antidesma)
  • Ebony Diospyros (Diospyros mespiliformis).
  • Ohia (Celtis zenkeri)
  • Chinese Banyan (Ficus thonningii).
  • Guanabanilla (Ouratea striata)

What Eats Green Monkeys?

What Eats Green Monkeys?

In the wild, Leopards (Panthera pardus) and Lions (Panthera leo) prey on Green Monkeys[§].

Green Monkey Facts

Chlorocebus Sabaeus

  • Green monkeys’ locomotion varies little, regardless of substrate or habitat. In nearly all circumstances, they move quadrupedally in the treetops or on the ground.
  • They are relatively light and can travel nimbly on branches using all four limbs.
  • It does not have a distinctive fur band on its forehead like other Chlorocebus species, and the males have a light blue scrotum.
  • They have distinct vocalizations to warn others in the predator pack and even have specific calls for certain predators.
  • Body language, such as displaying colorful genitals, is also used to communicate danger and establish dominance.

Suggested Reading: Every Type of Monkey

Cite This Page

APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Green Monkey. Bio Explorer. "Green Monkey" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Green Monkey" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Distribution of the Green Monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus) in the Coastal Zone of Côte d’Ivoire”. Accessed September 17, 2022. Link.
  • [¶] – Fricke, E.C., Svenning, J. Accelerating homogenization of the global plant-frugivore meta-network. Nature 585, 74-78 (2020).
  • [§] – Middleton, O.S, Svensson, H, Scharlemann, J.P.W, Faurby, S, Sandom, C.J. CarniDIET 1.0: A database of terrestrial carnivorous mammal diets. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Craig, Christie A., Eleanor I. Brassine, and Daniel M. Parker. “A record of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) diet in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana.”�African Journal of Ecology55.4 (2017): 697-700.


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