Animalia | Primates | Callitrichidae | Mico | Mico chrysoleucos |

- Common Name: Gold-and-white Marmoset
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1842
- Monkey Size: 19 to 26 cm (7.48 to 10.24 in)
- Skin Color(s): Pale yellow to orange
- Habitat: Rainforest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Brazil

Gold-and-white Marmoset Distribution

Gold-And-White Marmoset Characteristics
The gold-and-white marmoset[1], also called the golden-white tassel-ear marmoset, is a species of marmoset, a tiny monkey native to the Amazon rainforest in the eastern Amazonas state of Brazil.
- Females and males of Mico chrysoleucos are monomorphic. However, as with other tamarins and marmosets, the species have tufts of hair that distinguish them from other primates.
- The tufts have long white hair and are on the ears. Their fur is a pale yellow to orange. The face is pink.
- In this species, like other tamarins and marmosets, the claws replace the nails of most of the toes, facilitating their scansorial mode of locomotion.
- Gold-and-white marmosets don’t have opposable thumbs; this also applies to other tamarins and marmosets but differs from most other primates.

Gold-And-White Marmoset Facts
- Gold-and-white marmosets are highly social primates. They cohabitate in large extended family groups, typically between 8 and 20 individuals, depending on the availability of food sources.
- These monkeys live mainly in trees and only occasionally descend to the forest floor to feed or move to another tree.
- Like many other primates, gold-and-white marmosets enjoy playing with each other, mainly when they are young. Still, it remains an essential aspect of life well into adulthood.
- This species uses calls to inform every member of their group of food sources, predators, and invasive tamarin groups.
- Sprawling and chest rubbing are used for territorial purposes and to show the dominance of specific individuals in a group.

Suggested Reading: Various Species of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Gold-And-White Marmoset. Bio Explorer. "Gold-And-White Marmoset" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Gold-And-White Marmoset" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.