Animalia | Primates | Callitrichidae | Leontocebus | Leontocebus nigrifrons |

- Common Name: Geoffroy’s Saddle-back Tamarin
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1851
- Monkey Size: 19 to 21.9 cm (7.5 to 8.6 in)
- Skin Color(s): Bright orange
- Habitat: Forest, rainforest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Peru

Geoffroy’s Saddle-back Tamarin Distribution

Geoffroy’s Saddleback Tamarin Characteristics

Geoffroy’s saddleback tamarin[1] is a saddled tamarin, a species of small monkey native to South America.
- Dense, dark fur covers this tiny New World Monkey‘s arms, shoulders, and upper body.
- It has a patch of painted skin on its back that mixes orange-yellow stripes with patches of black fur, creating a mottled pattern called an “agouti” (which gives the primate its “saddle“).
- Yellow-orange fur drapes the monkey’s hindquarters, and black fur adheres to its long tail and extends toward the tip.
- Long, narrow hands, considered an adaptation, help the saddleback tamarin reach small crevices and catch insects.
- Scalloped ears protrude from a small round head covered in black fur. The snout is flat and covered with white hairs or whiskers in some individuals.
- These white accents could also decorate the monkey’s forehead.

Geoffroy’s Saddleback Tamarin Facts
- Geoffroy’s saddleback tamarins often associate and form mixed groups with mustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). Both species often perch in the same tree, responding to each other’s alarm calls.
- Ideally, they choose an area where they have exclusive feeding rights, usually among various fruit trees, to maximize their daily feeding expeditions.
- The monkeys retreat before nightfall, finding safety in the abundance of tangled trees and vines.
- Saddleback tamarins have also perched in tree hollows or on the forks of large tree trunks.
- Home range size depends on the availability of food sources and varies seasonally, from 16 to 120 ha (39.5 to 297 acres).

Suggested Reading: Different Breeds of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Geoffroy’s Saddleback Tamarin. Bio Explorer. "Geoffroy’s Saddleback Tamarin" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Geoffroy’s Saddleback Tamarin" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.