Animalia | Primates | Callitrichidae | Mico | Mico emiliae |

- Common Name: Emilia’s Marmoset
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1920
- Monkey Size: 21.6 to 21.6 cm (8.5 to 8.5 inches)
- Skin Color(s): Gray
- Habitat: Rainforest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Brazil

Emilia’s Marmoset Distribution

Emilia’s Marmoset Characteristics
The Emilian marmoset[1], also called the Snethlage’s marmoset, is a marmoset native to Brazil.
- It is only found in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Pará. Emilia’s marmoset is a mostly white-haired primate with a gray back. Often, their posture gives the impression of a hunchback.
- Their pink faces and snouts are covered in light-colored hair, and they have large brown eyes. Their pointy ears are incredibly recognizable, as they sometimes stick out of their fur.
- These marmosets are small monkeys adapted to climbing logs and climbing thin branches. Marmosets have claws on all fingers and toes except for the big toes.
- These claws are mainly used for climbing. Marmosets have much longer tails than the rest of their bodies.
- Although these tails are not prehensile, they can be used for balance when crossing trees.

Emilia’s Marmoset Facts
- The species is named after Emilie Snethlage, a German-born Brazilian ornithologist.
- Marmosets are arboreal and diurnal. They prefer to spend most of their time high in the rainforest’s upper canopy.
- All “true” marmosets are characterized by solid and thick incisors in their lower jaws that allow the monkeys to punch holes in tree bark and eat the tree sap within.
- The dominance hierarchy is determined by age rather than gender, strength, or family relationships.
- Common Emilian marmoset facial expressions include open-mouth staring, indicating the monkey wants to play.

Suggested Reading: Different Monkey Species
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Emilia’s Marmoset. Bio Explorer. "Emilia’s Marmoset" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Emilia’s Marmoset" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.