East Javan Langur
Species Name: Trachypithecus auratus
The East Javan langur, also called the Javan lutung, Javan langur, or ebony langur is an Old-World primate in the subfamily Colobinae. As with all langurs, the East Javan langur is a social animal, living in groups of about 7 individuals, with 1 or 2 adult males in the group.
East Sumatran Banded Langur
Species Name: Presbytis percura
The East Sumatran banded langur also called the East Sumatran banded surili are primarily found in the fragmented landscape of pulp and rubber plantations. These surilis are shy and alert creatures, rarely leaving the comfort of their canopies.
Eastern Black-handed Tamarin
Species Name: Saguinus ursula
The Eastern black-handed marmoset (Saguinus ursulus) is a species of marmoset native to Brazil. These tamarins are mainly covered in jet-black fur, with only a small area around the nose and eyes and most hairless ears.
Eastern Pygmy Marmoset
Species Name: Cebuella niveiventris
The eastern pygmy marmoset is a species of marmoset, a tiny New World monkey found in the southwestern Amazon rainforest. Notably, at just over 100 grams (3.5 ounces), the eastern pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey and among the smallest primates in the world.
Ecuadorian Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus aequatorialis
The Ecuadorian capuchin, also known as the Ecuadorian white-fronted capuchin, is a species of a graceful capuchin monkey in the Cebidae family. The highest-ranking female dominates all group members except the highest-ranking male.
Ecuadorian Squirrel Monkey
Species Name: Saimiri macrodon
The Ecuadorian squirrel monkey is a species of the squirrel monkey. Although it occasionally ventures to the ground to play or feed, the Ecuadorian squirrel monkey is strictly an arboreal primate.
Emilia’s Marmoset
Species Name: Mico emiliae
The Emilia's marmoset also called the Snethlage's marmoset, is a marmoset native to Brazil. The species is named after Emilie Snethlage, a German-born Brazilian ornithologist.
Emperor Tamarin
Species Name: Saguinus imperator
The Emperor Tamarin is a species of tamarin named for its resemblance to the German Kaiser Wilhelm II. It lives in the states of Acre and Amazonas, western Brazil, and the southwestern Amazon basin.
Equatorial Saki
Species Name: Pithecia aequatorialis
The Equatorial Saki, also known as the red-bearded Saki, is a species of saki monkey and New World monkey. They are most common in riparian, seasonally flooded, and swampy forests but have also been seen in terra firme forests.

Suggested Reading: All Monkey Species