Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Cercocebus | Cercocebus torquatus |

- Common Name: Collared Mangabey
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1792
- Monkey Size: 45 to 67 cm (18 to 26 in)
- Skin Color(s): Gray
- Habitat: Forests
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria

Collared Mangabey Distribution

Collared Mangabey Characteristics

The collared mangabey[1], also called the white-collared mangabey or red-capped mangabey, is an Old-World monkey endemic to the Atlantic coast of central and west Africa.
- The red-capped mangabey is perhaps one of nature’s most “professional” or distinguished primates.
- A cap of tufted maroon fur rests on the head; dark, protruding ears on either side of the head; lush tufts of white fur grow on the primate’s cheeks; and a broad white fur collar covers the chest to the shoulders.
- Perfectly made-up white eyelids bring out the monkey’s brown eyes and contrast dramatically with an elongated black snout.
- Tiny white hairs adorn the underside of the chin. Slate gray fur drapes the body of the red-haired mangabey, and the primate’s underside is lighter.
- Feet and hands are dark; the tail is also dark with a white tip.

What Eats Collared Mangabeys?
In the wild, Collared Mangabeys are predated by Leopards (Panthera pardus)[§].

Collared Mangabey Facts

- Its distinctive chestnut-red cap gives the species the name red-capped mangabey, and its white collar gives it the names white-collared and collared mangabey.
- The species is often called the “4-eyed monkey ” due to the red-capped mangabey monkey’s dramatically white eyelids.
- The Red-headed Mangabey is a monotypic species; that is, no other species belong to the genus of the species Cercocebus. The red-haired mangabey used to be listed as a Sooty mangabey subspecies.
- As diurnal creatures are most active during the day and dormant at night, red-capped mangabey monkeys forage and travel together in their forest habitat.
- These mangabeys are notable for being pretty noisy primates and equipped with large throat pouches that amplify their vocalizations.

Suggested Reading: How Many Types of Monkeys?
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Collared Mangabey. Bio Explorer. "Collared Mangabey" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Collared Mangabey" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.