Cazuza's Saki

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Pitheciidae Pithecia Pithecia cazuzai
  • Common Name: Cazuza’s Saki
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 2014
  • Monkey Size: 41 to 41 cm (16 to 16 in)
  • Skin Color(s): “Grizzled” gray
  • Habitat: Forests
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Brazil

Cazuza’s Saki Distribution

Cazuza’s Saki Characteristics

Cazuza’s saki[1] is a species of saki monkey, a type of New World Monkey. It’s native to northwestern Brazil.

  • Both female and male Cazuza’s sakis have a coat distinct from all other Pithecia species.
  • Unlike the white-faced saki (Pithecia pithecia), male Cazuza’s sakis are not silky black but coarse black with very light white fur at the tips and a short dark ruff.
  • These Brazilian monkeys’ faces have a fuzzy white ring that distinguishes them from all other species in the genus, with white facial hair.
  • Although male species share coarse lip hairs with several other species, such as the hairy (Pithecia hirsuta) and golden-faced (Pithecia chrysocephala), sakis have a different facial coloration than them.
  • Female Cazuza’s sakis have faces unlike any other species of saki in the region.

Cazuza’s Saki Facts

  • Populations of this species were previously classified as Rio Tapajós saki (Pithecia irrorata). Still, a 2014 study found that these populations had a pelage distinct from all other species in the genusand were therefore considered their own species, Pithecia cazuzai.
  • The species is named in honor of the famous Brazilian primatologist, Dr.José de Sousa e Silva Júnior, nicknamed “Cazuza“.
  • It is only known from a small region in northern Brazil in the state of Amazonas, where it occurs south of the Solimões River on both sides of the Juruá River at Uarini and Fonte Boa.
  • This species is believed to be threatened by deforestation, poaching, and its small range. Therefore its population is believed to be declining.
  • The home ranges of different groups sometimes overlap, and while interactions between groups are rare, they are often agonistic.

Suggested Reading: All Types of Monkeys

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Cazuza’s Saki. Bio Explorer. "Cazuza’s Saki" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Cazuza’s Saki" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“A Taxonomic Revision of the Saki Monkeys, Pithecia Desmarest, 1804”. Accessed December 12, 2022. Link.


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