Animalia | Primates | Aotidae | Aotus | Aotus brumbacki |

- Common Name: Brumback’s Night Monkey
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1983
- Monkey Size: 24 to 37 cm (9 to 14 in)
- Skin Color(s): Gray
- Habitat: Forests, Tropical Rainforests
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Colombia

Brumback’s Night Monkey Distribution

Brumback’s Night Monkey Characteristics
Brumback’s night monkey[1] is a nocturnal monkey species found in Colombia.
- Traditionally, it has been considered a subspecies of the grey-bellied night monkey (Aotus lemurinus).
- Still, recently, it has been argued that it should be considered a separate species.
- Like other members of its genus, this species is nocturnal. Its small round head is striped with black and dominated by two large brown eyes.
- The overall effect is not unlike an owl’s; the monkey’s eyes glow a reddish-orange in the reflected light.
- The white eyebrows are bushy, with a patch of darker coat between them. Its gray fur is described as thick and shaggy, and the animal’s underside is reddish brown.
- Its black-brown to orange tail is non-prehensile and invariably has a black tip. The Brumback’s night monkey has slender limbs with long, delicate fingers.

Brumback’s Night Monkey Facts
- The species gets its name in honor of the American naturalist and physician Roger Brumback.
- Nighttime comes foraging, when Brumback’s night monkeys move dexterously on all fours (quadrupeds) or hop through the tree canopy, up to 3 to 5 m (10 to 16 ft).
- They travel the same route every night; scientists believe that nocturnal monkeys memorize foraging routes as they travel by moonlight.
- The species belongs to the Aotus genus, the only truly nocturnal monkey in the world.
- Small family groups of up to 5 individuals, consisting of a monogamous breeding pair and their offspring, are the norm for these monkeys.

Suggested Reading: Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Brumback’s Night Monkey. Bio Explorer. "Brumback’s Night Monkey" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Brumback’s Night Monkey" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.