Barbary Macaque

Kingdom Order Family Genus Species
Animalia Primates Cercopithecidae Macaca Macaca sylvanus
Barbary Macaque
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Name: Barbary Macaque
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1758
  • Monkey Size: 55 to 70 cm (21.6 to 27.6 inches)
  • Skin Color(s): Light yellowish brown
  • Habitat: Mountains, Forests
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar

Barbary Macaque Distribution

Barbary Macaque Characteristics

Barbary Macaque

The Barbary macaque[1], also called the Magot macaque, is a macaque endemic to the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and Algeria and a small introduced population in Gibraltar.

  • A thick, silky layer of yellowish-brown to gray fur covers the Barbary macaque’s body; its lower part is lighter.
  • Their narrow nose and deep pink face are devoid of fur.
  • Like all macaques, the species has long canines, powerful jaws, and cheek pouches (storing snacks).
  • The front limbs of these old-world monkeys are relatively more extended than the hind legs.

Barbary Macaque Facts

Macaca Sylvanus

  • The species’ lack of a viable tail (officially known as a vestigial tail, meaning that evolution has seen fit to make it a useless tail) has led to their mischaracterization as Barbary apes. However, all Barbary macaques are monkeys, not apes.
  • Before the Ice Age, they inhabited the Mediterranean coasts and most of Europe, as far away as the British Isles and Germany.
  • Social and outgoing, Barbary macaques live in mixed groups (called troops) of 12 to over 60 animals with an average of 24 members.
  • To warn troop members of potential danger, particularly predators, Barbary macaques employ alarm calls of varying loudness and pitch.
  • Like other primates, these macaque monkeys spend much time grooming themselves, a hobby that helps build strong social bonds.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, January 02). Barbary Macaque. Bio Explorer. "Barbary Macaque" Bio Explorer, 02 January 2025, "Barbary Macaque" Bio Explorer, January 02 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“The Amazing World of The Barbary Macaque” – Wild Futures. Accessed August 03, 2022. Link.


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