Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Miopithecus | Miopithecus talapoin |

- Common Name: Angolan Talapoin
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1774
- Monkey Size: 32 to 45 cm (12.6 to 17.7 inches)
- Skin Color(s): Greenish-gray, greenish-yellow, and grayish-white
- Habitat: Forest
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Native Countries: Angola, Cameroon

Angolan Talapoin Distribution

Angolan Talapoin Characteristics

Also known as the Southern talapoin, Angolan talapoin[1] is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family.
- The Angolan Talapoin’s fur has thick yellow and black stripes on the back and sides and white or grayish-white stripes on the belly and chest.
- The head is round and short-muzzled with a hairless face with black nasal fur lining the face.
- The scrotum of Angolan talapoin is pink medially and blue laterally. The feet and hands are chrome yellow with a buff or reddish tint.
- Tail color varies from grayish-black to brownish-black above and is yellow or yellowish-gray below.

Angolan Talapoin Facts

- The Angolan talapoin monkeys are among the smallest species of Old-World monkeys.
- They live in large groups averaging 70 to 100 individuals.
- The adult females in the group outnumber the adult males.
- They occupy relatively small home ranges near rivers or other water sources.
- In captivity, the Angolan talapoin monkey lives for about 28 years. However, they can live much shorter lives in the wild due to predators’ high risk and prevalence.

Suggested Reading: All Kinds of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Angolan Talapoin. Bio Explorer. "Angolan Talapoin" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Angolan Talapoin" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.