Animalia | Primates | Cercopithecidae | Colobus | Colobus angolensis |

- Common Name: Angola Colobus
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1860
- Monkey Size: 50 to 70 cm (19.7 to 27.6 inches)
- Skin Color(s): Glossy black
- Habitat: Forests, rainforests, thickets
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania

Angola Colobus Distribution

Angolan Colobus Characteristics

The Angolan Colobus[1] is a conspicuously-patterned monkey with a very long tail that helps it maintain its balance as it moves quickly through the trees.
- Angolan Colobuses feed mainly on leaves in various types of forests and live in social groups composed of a single dominant male and many females.
- Angolan colobus monkeys have distinctive black-and-white furs, like their black-and-white-mantled guereza cousins (Colobus guereza).
- Still, they are distinguished by long, silky white hair framing their black faces and falling over their shoulders like royal epaulettes.
- Angolan Colobus’ long tails fade from black to white on the lower half. Like other colobus monkeys, they have an opposable finger and a reduced thumb.
- Their slender, curved fingers form a single, flexible hook, an adaptation that helps them navigate canopy branches more easily.
- Colobus monkeys also share flattened nails, hind feet that are longer than the front feet, and prominent pads on the buttocks.

Angolan Colobus Facts

- Although the species is named after Angola, it’s rare in this country.
- Angolan Colobuses are diurnal and live in groups of 25 individuals with a dominant male, 2 to 6 females, and their young.
- The name “Colobus” means “incomplete” or “short” and refers to the underdeveloped thumb of the species.
- The animals are considered sacred in West Africa due to their shy, reserved, and unapproachable nature.
- When a social group is threatened, the male will jump and roar until the rest of the pack has fled.

Suggested Reading: Big Types of Monkeys
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 03). Angolan Colobus. Bio Explorer. "Angolan Colobus" Bio Explorer, 03 February 2025, "Angolan Colobus" Bio Explorer, February 03 2025.